

Functions which do not appear in #include files.


NameBrief Description
absGet the absolute value of a number.
acosGets the arc cosine of a value.
ActionAttackInitiates an attack between two creatures or a creature and an object.
ActionCastFakeSpellAtLocationDisplay casting animation and spell visuals without subsequent spell effects.
ActionCastFakeSpellAtObjectDisplay casting animation and spell visuals without subsequent spell effects.
ActionCastSpellAtLocationCast a spell at a specific location.
ActionCastSpellAtObjectCast a spell at an object.
ActionCloseDoorAn action that causes an object to close a door.
ActionCounterSpellCauses the caller to enter the counterspell modal combat mode.
ActionDoCommandInserts a command into the Action Queue.
ActionEquipItemPuts an item in possesion into an inventory slot.
ActionEquipMostDamagingMeleeCauses the calling creature to equip its most damaging weapon.
ActionEquipMostDamagingRangedCauses the calling creature to equip the most damaging ranged weapon in its inventory.
ActionEquipMostEffectiveArmorCauses the calling creature to equip the best armor in its inventory.
ActionExamineExamine an object
ActionForceFollowObjectForces an NPC to follow an object.
ActionForceMoveToLocationAttempts to move an NPC to a location.
ActionForceMoveToObjectAttempts to move an NPC to a certain distance of a target object even if a clear path doesn't exist.
ActionGiveItemGives a specified item to a target creature.
ActionInteractObjectCauses a creature or PC to use an object.
ActionJumpToLocationInstantly sends the calling object to the position of locTarget.
ActionJumpToObjectTeleports the calling object to the nearest valid location by the target.
ActionLockObjectAn action that will cause a creature to lock a door or other unlocked object.
ActionMoveAwayFromLocationCauses the caller to try to move away from a location
ActionMoveAwayFromObjectCause the action subject to move to a certain distance away from a target.
ActionMoveToLocationMoves an NPC to a location before executing further actions in the action queue.
ActionMoveToObjectCause action subject to move to a certain distance of a target object.
ActionOpenDoorAn action that will cause a creature to open a door.
ActionPauseConversationPause the current conversation.
ActionPickUpItemCauses subject to run to an item and place it in inventory.
ActionPlayAnimationPlays an animation (fire and forget, looping, or placeable) before executing the next action in the queue.
ActionPutDownItemCauses the subject to place an item on the ground at it's feet.
ActionRandomWalkCauses the subject to walk to a random location close to itself.
ActionRestCauses the creature to rest.
ActionResumeConversationResume a conversation after it has been paused.
ActionSitCauses a creature to attempt to sit on something.
ActionSpeakStringCauses an object to speak.
ActionSpeakStringByStrRefCauses the creature to speak a translated string.
ActionStartConversationNPC action to start a conversation with a PC
ActionTakeItemTakes an item from an object
ActionUnequipItemMakes the executing creature unequip an object and place it in their inventory.
ActionUnlockObjectCauses a creature to unlock a door or other locked object.
ActionUseFeatCauses an NPC to use a feat on oTarget.
ActionUseSkillCauses a creature to attempt to use a skill on another object.
ActionUseTalentAtLocationUse tChosenTalent at lTargetLocation.
ActionUseTalentOnObjectUse tChosenTalent on oTarget.
ActionWaitAdds a wait action to an objects queue.
ActivatePortalSend a player's client to a new server, where the player's character will log in.
AddHenchmanAdds a henchman NPC to a PC.
AddItemPropertyAdd an itemproperty to an item
AddJournalQuestEntryAdd an entry to a player's Journal. (Create the entry in the Journal Editor first).
AddToPartyAdds a PC to the party of another PC.
AdjustAlignmentAdjusts the alignment of a creature.
AdjustReputationAdjusts positively or negatively how a whole faction views a specific person.
AmbientSoundChangeDayChanges the ambient daytime soundtrack of an area.
AmbientSoundChangeNightModify an Area's nighttime soundtrack.
AmbientSoundPlayStarts the ambient soundtrack of an area playing.
AmbientSoundSetDayVolumeChange the volume of the ambient daytime soundtrack in an area.
AmbientSoundSetNightVolumeChange the volume of an area's ambient nighttime soundtrack
AmbientSoundStopStops ambient sounds playing in an area.
AngleToVectorConverts an angle into a vector.
ApplyEffectAtLocationApplies an effect at a location.
ApplyEffectToObjectApplies an effect (visual or actual) to an object.
ApplyPenaltyApplies the penalty for respawn for the resurrecting PC.
asinGets the arc sine of a value.
AssignCommandAssigns an action command to a creature to act on.
atanGets the arc tangent of a value.
BeginConversationAttempts to start a conversation immediately.
BlackScreenMakes the screen go black.
BootPCAbruptly kicks a player off a multi-player server.
ChangeFactionChange a creature's faction to that of another.
ChangeToStandardFactionChanges a creature's faction to one of the four standard factions.
ClearAllActionsRemoves all actions from an action queue.
ClearPersonalReputationChanges the friendly or hostile feelings an NPC or creature may have towards a PC, NPC or other creature.
CopyItemDuplicates an item.
CopyItemAndModifyCopies an item, making a single modification to it
CopyObjectDuplicates the object specified.
cosGets the cosine of a value.
CreateItemOnObjectCreate a specific item in an objects inventory
CreateObjectCreate an object of a specified type at a given location
d10Rolls a 10-sided die.
d100Rolls a 100-sided die.
d12Rolls a 12-sided die.
d2Rolls a 2-sided die (or flips a coin).
d20Rolls a 20-sided die.
d3Rolls a 3-sided die.
d4Rolls a 4-sided die.
d6Rolls a 6-sided die.
d8Rolls an 8-sided die.
DayToNightChanges the current Day/Night cycle for this player to night
DebugPrintTalentIDSends a message to the server log file of the talent ID specified.
DecrementRemainingFeatUsesDecrements the remaining number of uses of a particular feat for a creature.
DecrementRemainingSpellUsesDecrease the number of spell uses of a particular spell for a given creature.
DelayCommandDelays an assigned action for a period of time.
DeleteCampaignVariableDeletes a campaign variable from the database.
DeleteLocalFloatDeletes oObject's float variable sVarName
DeleteLocalIntDeletes oObject's integer variable sVarName.
DeleteLocalLocationDeletes oObject's location variable sVarName.
DeleteLocalObjectDeletes oObject's object variable sVarName
DeleteLocalStringDeletes oObject's string variable sVarName.
DestroyCampaignDatabaseDestroys a campaign database.
DestroyObjectDestroy an object.
DoDoorActionDoes specific action to target door.
DoPlaceableObjectActionStarts a placeable object special action.
DoSinglePlayerAutoSaveSaves a single player game.
DoWhirlwindAttackPerform a whirlwind attack.
EffectAbilityDecreaseCreates an ability decreasing effect on specified ability score.
EffectAbilityIncreaseCreate an effect that increases an objects specified ability score.
EffectACDecreaseCreates an AC decrease effect.
EffectACIncreaseGives an AC bonus to an object.
EffectAppearCreate a special effect to make the object "fly in".
EffectAreaOfEffectReturns a new effect object.
EffectAttackDecreaseCreate an Attack Decrease effect.
EffectAttackIncreaseCreate an Attack Increase effect
EffectBeamCreate a Beam effect.
EffectBlindnessCreate a Blindness effect.
EffectCharmedCreate a Charm effect
EffectConcealmentReturns a new effect object.
EffectConfusedCreates a confusion effect.
EffectCurseCreate a Curse effect.
EffectCutsceneDominatedCreates an effect that is guranteed to dominate a creature.
EffectCutsceneGhostCreates a cutscene ghost effect
EffectCutsceneImmobilizeImmobilize a creature
EffectCutsceneParalyzeCreates an effect that will paralyze a creature for use in a cut-scene.
EffectDamageReturns a new effect object.
EffectDamageDecreaseReturns a new effect object.
EffectDamageImmunityDecreaseCreate a Damage Immunity Decrease effect.
EffectDamageImmunityIncreaseCreates a Damage Immunity Increase effect
EffectDamageIncreaseCreate a Damage Increase effect.
EffectDamageReductionCreate a Damage Reduction effect.
EffectDamageResistanceReturns a new effect object that makes the target more resistant to certain types of damage.
EffectDamageShieldCreates a damage shield around the target that will damage sucessfull attackers.
EffectDarknessReturns a new effect object.
EffectDazedReturns a new effect object.
EffectDeafReturns a new effect object.
EffectDeathCreate a Death effect
EffectDisappearReturns a new effect object.
EffectDisappearAppearReturns a new effect object.
EffectDiseaseCreate a Disease effect.
EffectDispelMagicAllCreate a Dispel Magic All effect.
EffectDispelMagicBestCreate a Dispel Magic Best effect.
EffectDominatedReturns a new effect object.
EffectEntangleCreate an Entangle effect
EffectEtherealCreates an effect like the Sanctuary spell, but the observers get no saving throw.
EffectFrightenedCreate a frightened effect for use in making creatures shaken or flee.
EffectHasteReturns a new effect object.
EffectHealCreates a healing effect.
EffectHitPointChangeWhenDyingReturns a new effect object.
EffectImmunityCreate an Immunity effect.
EffectInvisibilityCreate an Invisibility effect.
EffectKnockdownReturns a new effect object.
EffectLinkEffectsCreates one new effect object from two seperate effect objects.
EffectMissChanceCreates a miss chance effect.
EffectModifyAttacksCreate a Modify Attacks effect that adds attacks to the target.
EffectMovementSpeedDecreaseCreate a Movement Speed Decrease effect to slow target.
EffectMovementSpeedIncreaseCreate a Movement Speed Increase effect to speed target movement rate.
EffectNegativeLevelCreate a Negative Level effect that will decrease the level of the target.
EffectParalyzeReturns a new effect object.
EffectPetrifyCreates an effect that will petrify a creature.
EffectPoisonCreate a Poison effect.
EffectPolymorphCreate a Polymorph effect that changes the target into a different type of creature.
EffectRegenerateCreate a Regenerate effect.
EffectResurrectionReturns a new effect object.
EffectSanctuaryCreates a sanctuary effect.
EffectSavingThrowDecreaseCreate a Saving Throw Decrease effect to lower one Saving Throw type.
EffectSavingThrowIncreaseCreate a Saving Throw Increase effect to raise one Saving Throw type.
EffectSeeInvisibleReturns a new effect object.
EffectSilenceCreate a Silence effect
EffectSkillDecreaseReturns an effect to decrease a skill.
EffectSkillIncreaseReturns an effect which will cause a skill increase.
EffectSleepReturns a sleep effect.
EffectSlowCreates a slow effect.
EffectSpellFailureCreates an effect that inhibits spells.
EffectSpellImmunityReturns an effect of spell immunity.
EffectSpellLevelAbsorptionReturns a Spell Level Absorption effect
EffectSpellResistanceDecreaseReturns a Spell Resistance Decrease effect.
EffectSpellResistanceIncreaseReturns an effect which increases spell resistance.
EffectStunnedReturns a Stunned effect.
EffectSummonCreatureCreates a summon creature effect.
EffectSwarmReturns a Swarm effect.
EffectTemporaryHitpointsCreate a Temporary Hitpoints effect that raises the Hitpoints of the target.
EffectTimeStopReturns a new effect object.
EffectTrueSeeingReturns an effect of True Seeing.
EffectTurnedReturns a new effect object.
EffectTurnResistanceDecreaseCreate a Turn Resistance Decrease effect that can make creatures more susceptible to turning.
EffectTurnResistanceIncreaseCreate a Turn Resistance Decrease effect that can make creatures more resistant to turning.
EffectUltravisionReturns an effect of Ultravision
EffectVisualEffectCreates a new visual effect object
EndGameEnds the currently running game.
EventActivateItemReturns an event of type Activate Item.
EventConversationReturns an event of type Conversation.
EventSpellCastAtCreates an event which triggers a "spell cast at" reaction.
EventUserDefinedReturns an event of the type nUserDefinedEventNumber.
ExecuteScriptCause a script to execute.
ExploreAreaForPlayerReveals the entire map of an area to a player.
ExportAllCharactersSave all characters in the game.
ExportSingleCharacterForce the character of the player specified to be exported to its respective directory, i.e. LocalVault/ServerVault/ etc.
ExtraordinaryEffectMarks an effect as belonging to the effect subtype Extraordinary.
fabsGets the absolute value of a number.
FadeFromBlackFades the screen from black into normal view.
FadeToBlackFades the screen for a given player to black.
FakeRestoreEncapsulates removal of bad effects and healing of oTarget.
FeetToMetersReturns how many meters are in fFeet.
FindSubStringReturns the position of sSubstring in sString.
FindTargetFinds the next target for a guard to attack.
FloatingTextStringOnCreatureBriefly displays ambient text above targets head.
FloatingTextStrRefOnCreatureBriefly displays a string ref as ambient text above targets head.
FloatToIntConverts a number with a decimal into a number without one.
FloatToStringConverts a float into a string.
ForceRestFully restores a creature
FortitudeSaveReturns the result of a Fortitude Save check.
Get2DAStringRetrieves a string value from a *.2da file on a server.
GetAbilityModifierGet a creature's ability modifier for a specified ability.
GetAbilityScoreGet the ability score of a specific type for a creature.
GetACRetrieves the AC (armor class) of a creature.
GetActionModeCheck if a creature is using a given action mode
GetAgeDetermines the age of a creature.
GetAILevelRetrieves the current AI (artificial intelligence) level that a creature is running at.
GetAlignmentGoodEvilDetermines the disposition of a creature.
GetAlignmentLawChaosDetermines the ethos of a given creature.
GetAnimalCompanionCreatureTypeGet a creature's familiar creature type.
GetAnimalCompanionNameGets a creature's familiar name.
GetAppearanceTypeRetrieves the appearance of a specified creature.
GetArcaneSpellFailureGets a creature's arcane spell failure factor
GetAreaReturns the area oTarget is currently in.
GetAreaFromLocationReturns the area that a particular location is in.
GetAreaOfEffectCreatorGets the creator of an Area of Effect object.
GetAssociateReturns an object's associate.
GetAssociateTypeReturns the associate type of the specified creature
GetAttackCompatibilityThis function is prototyped but not used.
GetAttackTargetDetermines the current foe under attack by the specified creature.
GetAttemptedAttackTargetDetermines the last creature that an attempted attack was made on.
GetAttemptedSpellTargetDetermines the creature a spell was attempted to be cast at.
GetBaseAttackBonusRetrieves the base attack bonus (BaB) for a specified creature.
GetBaseItemTypeDetermines the basic template for the item specified.
GetBlockingDoorDetermines the door that is blocking a creature.
GetCalendarDayRetrieves the current in-game calendar day.
GetCalendarMonthDetermines the current in-game calendar month.
GetCalendarYearDetermine the current in-game calendar year.
GetCampaignFloatRetrieves a float from the campaign database.
GetCampaignIntRetrieves an integer value from the campaign database.
GetCampaignLocationRetrieves a location value from the campaign database.
GetCampaignStringRetrieves a string value from the campaign database.
GetCampaignVectorRetrieves a vector value from the campaign database.
GetCasterLevelDetermines the level of caster for a creature or PC casting a spell.
GetCenterPointOfAreaApproximates the central location of an area.
GetChallengeRatingReturns the challenge rating of the target creature.
GetChangeInYConvenience function that calculates teh change in the Y axis to the target
GetClassByPositionGets the creatures class for the position identified. The position refers to 1st class, 2nd class or third class in a multi class creature.
GetClickingObjectUsed in the OnClick event to return the clicking object.
GetCommandableDetermines if the object in question can have actions added to it's action Queue.
GetCreatureHasTalentDetermines whether a creature has a specific talent.
GetCreatureSizeDetermines the size class of a creature.
GetCreatureStartingPackageReturns the default level up package
GetCreatureTalentBestDetermines the best talent of a creature from a group of talents.
GetCreatureTalentRandomRetrieves a random talent from a group of talents that a creature possesses.
GetCurrentActionReturns the currently executing Action.
GetCurrentHitPointsDetermines the number of hit points someone currently has.
GetCutsceneCameraMoveRateReturns the current movement rate factor of the cutscene 'camera man'
GetDamageDealtByTypeDetermines the amount of damage of a specific type dealt to an object.
GetDefensiveCastingModeRetrieves the defensive casting mode status of a creature.
GetDeityDetermine the deity of a creature.
GetDetectModeDetermines if a creature is currently searching.
GetDialogSoundLengthRetrieves the length of a wave (audio) file in seconds.
GetDistanceBetweenThe distance in meters between two objects
GetDistanceBetweenLocationsThe distance in meters between two locations in the game.
GetDistanceToObjectThe distance from the caller of the script to the object in meters.
GetDroppableFlagDetermines if an item can be dropped.
GetEffectCreatorGets the object that created eEffect.
GetEffectDurationTypeGets the constant that defines the type of effect in eEffect.
GetEffectSpellIdThis will return the constant of the spell that applied the effect (SPELL_*).
GetEffectSubTypeGet the subtype (SUBTYPE_*) of the effect.
GetEffectTypeGet the type constant of the effect.
GetEncounterActiveGets a TRUE or FALSE value depending on whether the encounter has spawned and is active.
GetEncounterDifficultyGet the difficulty level of the encounter.
GetEncounterSpawnsCurrentGet the number of times that the encounter has spawned so far.
GetEncounterSpawnsMaxGet the maximum number of times that oEncounter will spawn.
GetEnteringObjectGets the object that last opened or entered the calling object.
GetExitingObjectGet the object that last left the calling object.
GetFacingUsed to determine which direction something is facing.
GetFacingFromLocationGet the facing value from a location variable.
GetFactionAverageGoodEvilAlignmentGet the average number (between 0 and 100 inclusive) of the all objects within the object's faction that represents the Good/Evil alignment
GetFactionAverageLawChaosAlignmentGet the average number (between 0 and 100 inclusive) of the all objects within the object's faction that represents the Law/Chaos alignment
GetFactionAverageLevelGet the average level of the members of the faction.
GetFactionAverageReputationGet an integer between 0 and 100 (inclusive) that represents how an objects faction members collectively feel about the target object.
GetFactionAverageXPGet the average amount of XPs for all members in an objects faction.
GetFactionBestACGet the member of a faction (party) who has the highest Armor Class.
GetFactionEqualAre both objects in the same faction?
GetFactionGoldGet the amount of gold held by all members of a certain faction.
GetFactionLeaderGets the leader of a players party.
GetFactionLeastDamagedMemberGet the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the fewest hit points of damage.
GetFactionMostDamagedMemberGet the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the most hit points of damage.
GetFactionMostFrequentClassReturns a constant representing the most common type of class amongst the members of a faction (party).
GetFactionStrongestMemberGet the member of an object's faction who is the strongest.
GetFactionWeakestMemberGet the weakest member in a faction (party).
GetFactionWorstACGet the object faction member with the lowest armor class.
GetFamiliarCreatureTypeGets the PC's animal companion creature type.
GetFamiliarNameGet a creature's animal companion name.
GetFirstEffectDetermines the first active effect on a creature.
GetFirstFactionMemberObtains the first member of the faction that a creature is a member of.
GetFirstInPersistentObjectDetermines the first object of a specific type that is inside a persistent object.
GetFirstItemInInventoryDetermines the first item in an object's inventory.
GetFirstItemPropertyDetermines the first itemproperty on an item
GetFirstObjectInAreaDetermines the first object in an area.
GetFirstObjectInShapeDetermines the first object of a specific type (creature, door etc.) in shape.
GetFirstPCObtains the first PC
GetFortitudeSavingThrowDetermines the base fortitue saving throw number of a creature, door or placeable.
GetGameDifficultyDetermines the game difficulty setting.
GetGenderDetermines the gender of a creature.
GetGoingToBeAttackedByDetermines the creature that is going to attack another creature in the current combat round.
GetGoldGets the amount of gold that a creature possesses.
GetGoldPieceValueDetermines the value of an item in gold pieces.
GetGoodEvilValueDetermines a creature's relative good/evil rating.
GetHasFeatTest whether a creature is able to perform a feat.
GetHasFeatEffectDetermines whether a creature has the effects of a feat.
GetHasInventoryDetermine whether an object has an inventory.
GetHasSkillDetermines whether a creature has a skill.
GetHasSpellDetermines whether a creature has a spell available.
GetHasSpellEffectDetermines whether an object is under the effects of a spell.
GetHenchmanDetermines the henchman of a PC.
GetHitDiceDetermines the HD of a creature.
GetIdentifiedDetermines whether an object has been identified.
GetIdFromTalentDetermines the identifier of a talent.
GetImmortalRetrieves the mortality of a creature.
GetInventoryDisturbItemReturns the disturbing item in an inventory OnDisturbed event.
GetInventoryDisturbTypeDetermines the type of disturbance of an inventory.
GetIsAreaAboveGroundDetermines whether an area is above ground or not.
GetIsAreaNaturalReturns whether an area is natural or not
GetIsCreatureDisarmableCheck if oCreature can be disarmed
GetIsDawnDetermines if it's currently dawn.
GetIsDayDetermines if it is currently day.
GetIsDeadDetermines if a creature is dead or dying.
GetIsDMDetermines whether a creature is a DM avatar.
GetIsDMPossessedReturns whether the creature is possessed by a DM
GetIsDoorActionPossibleDetermines whether an action can be used on a door.
GetIsDuskDetermines if it is currently dusk.
GetIsEffectValidDetermines whether an effect is valid.
GetIsEncounterCreatureDetermines whether a creature was spawned from an encounter.
GetIsEnemyDetermines whether a creature considers another creature an enemy.
GetIsFriendCheck whether a creature considers another creature a friend.
GetIsImmuneDetermines whether a creature has a specific immunity.
GetIsInCombatDetermines whether a creature is in combat.
GetIsInSubAreaChecks if a creature has triggered an OnEnter event
GetIsItemPropertyValidChecks if an itemproperty is valid.
GetIsListeningCheck whether an object is listening for something.
GetIsNeutralCheck whether a creature considers another creature to be neutral to them.
GetIsNightDetermines if it is currently night.
GetIsObjectValidDetermines whether an object is valid.
GetIsOpenCheck whether a placeable or door is currently open.
GetIsPCCheck whether a creature is player controlled.
GetIsPlaceableObjectActionPossibleCheck whether a given action is valid for a given placeable object.
GetIsPlayableRacialTypeDetermine whether the target creature is one of the playable races.
GetIsPossessedFamiliarRetrieves the controller status of a familiar.
GetIsReactionTypeFriendlyDetermine whether a creature has a friendly reaction towards another given creature.
GetIsReactionTypeHostileDetermine whether a creature has a hostile reaction towards another given creature.
GetIsReactionTypeNeutralDetermine whether oSource has a neutral reaction towards oTarget
GetIsRestingCheck whether a creature is resting.
GetIsSkillSuccessfulDetermines if a skill roll is successful.
GetIsTalentValidCheck whether a talent is valid.
GetIsTrappedCheck whether an object is trapped.
GetIsWeaponEffectiveCheck whether script owner's equipped weapon is able to damage a given object.
GetItemActivatedRetrieve the item which was activated to trigger the module's OnActivateItem event.
GetItemActivatedTargetDetermine the activated item's target.
GetItemActivatedTargetLocationDetermine the location of the activated item's target.
GetItemActivatorRetrieve the creature which activated an item.
GetItemACValueGet the armor class (AC) of an item.
GetItemAppearanceReturns the appearance of an item
GetItemChargesRetrieves the number of charges remaining on a given item.
GetItemCursedFlagChecks if an item is cursed
GetItemHasItemPropertyCheck whether an item has a given property.
GetItemInSlotRetrieve the item in a given inventory slot of a creature.
GetItemPossessedByGet an item with a specific tag in a given creature or placeable's inventory.
GetItemPossessorGet the creature or object who possesses a specified item.
GetItemPropertyCostTableReturns the cost table number of the itemproperty.
GetItemPropertyCostTableValueReturns the cost table value of an itemproperty.
GetItemPropertyDurationTypeGets the duration type of an itemproperty.
GetItemPropertyParam1Returns the Param1 number of the item property.
GetItemPropertyParam1ValueReturns the Param1 value of the item property.
GetItemPropertySubTypeGets the subtype of an itemproperty.
GetItemPropertyTypeReturns the type of itemproperty a property is.
GetItemStackSizeRetrieves the number of similar items in a stack.
GetJournalQuestExperienceReturns the amount of experience set for a journal category.
GetLastAssociateCommandGet the last command issued to a given associate.
GetLastAttackerDetermine who last attacked a creature, door or placeable object.
GetLastAttackModeDetermine a creature's combat mode.
GetLastAttackTypeDetermine the attack type of a creature's last attack.
GetLastClosedByDetermine which creature closed a door or placeable.
GetLastDamagerGet the object which last damaged a creature or placeable object.
GetLastDisarmedDetermine who last disarmed a trapped trigger, door or placeable object.
GetLastDisturbedDetermine who last disturbed the inventory of an object or creature.
GetLastHostileActorGets the last living, non plot creature that performed a hostile act against the object.
GetLastKillerGet the object that killed the caller.
GetLastLockedGet the last object that locked the caller.
GetLastOpenedByGet the last creature that opened the caller.
GetLastPCRestedReturns the last PC that rested.
GetLastPCToCancelCutsceneRetrieves the last player to leave a cut-scene.
GetLastPerceivedDetermines the last perceived creature in an OnPerception event.
GetLastPerceptionHeardDetermines if the last perceived object was heard.
GetLastPerceptionInaudibleGets the last perceived object which can no longer be heard.
GetLastPerceptionSeenDetermines if the last perceived object was seen.
GetLastPerceptionVanishedDetermines the last perceived creature has vanished.
GetLastPlayerDiedDetermines the last PC that died.
GetLastPlayerDyingRetrieves the last player that is currently dying.
GetLastRespawnButtonPresserGets the last PC that clicked the Respawn button.
GetLastRestEventTypeDetermines the status of the last PC rest.
GetLastSpeakerDetermines the last creature that was communicated with.
GetLastSpellDetermines the spell that was last cast.
GetLastSpellCastClassReturns the class that the spellcaster cast the spell as
GetLastSpellCasterDetermines who last cast a spell.
GetLastSpellHarmfulDetermines whether the last spell cast was harmful.
GetLastTrapDetectedDetermines the trap last detected by the PC.
GetLastUnlockedDetermines who unlocked the object or placeable.
GetLastUsedByGet the last object that used the placeable object that is calling this function.
GetLastWeaponUsedGet the last weapon that oCreature used in an attack.
GetLawChaosValueUsed to find an object's law/chaos value.
GetLevelByClassGet the level of an object in a given class.
GetLevelByPositionGet the class level of an object from the class table.
GetListenPatternNumberCheck if a conversation pattern has been activated in an OnConversation event.
GetLocalFloatGet the value of a decimal number stored on an object.
GetLocalIntGet the value of a whole number stored on an object.
GetLocalLocationGet the data describing a location stored on an object.
GetLocalObjectGet the data describing an object stored on an object.
GetLocalStringGet the value of a string of characters stored on an object.
GetLocationGets the location of an object.
GetLockedCheck whether a given object is locked.
GetLockKeyRequiredCheck whether an object requires a specific key to be unlocked.
GetLockKeyTagGets the tag of the key that will open the lock on an object
GetLockLockableCheck whether or not an object is lockable.
GetLockLockDCFind a lock's lock DC.
GetLockUnlockDCFind a lock's unlock DC.
GetLootableReturns the lootable state of a creature
GetMasterDetermine who controls a creature.
GetMatchedSubstringGet a matched substring specified by a listen pattern.
GetMatchedSubstringsCountGet the number of listen pattern substrings matched.
GetMaxHenchmenGets the maximum number of henchmen
GetMaxHitPointsGet the maximum hit points (HP) of an object.
GetMetaMagicFeatGet the type of metamagic used on the last spell.
GetModuleGets the object describing the module.
GetModuleItemAcquiredGet the item acquired on an OnAcquiredItem event.
GetModuleItemAcquiredByRetrieves an object that acquired a module item.
GetModuleItemAcquiredFromGet the last owner of the item acquired on an OnAcquiredItem event.
GetModuleItemAcquiredStackSizeDetermines the stack size of an item belonging to a module that was just acquired.
GetModuleItemLostGet the object that was dropped on an OnUnAcquiredItem event.
GetModuleItemLostByGet the creature that lost the item on an OnUnAcquiredItem event.
GetModuleNameGet the module name.
GetMovementRateReturns the movement rate of a game being
GetNameRetrieves the name of an object.
GetNearestCreatureDetermines the nearest creature to a target object.
GetNearestCreatureToLocationGets the nearest creature, which matches supplied criteria, to a given location.
GetNearestObjectGets the nearest object, which matches given criteria, to the selected target.
GetNearestObjectByTagReturns the nearest object to a target by searching for the object’s tag value.
GetNearestObjectToLocationReturns the nearest object, which is of a specified type, to a given location.
GetNearestSeenOrHeardEnemyDetermines closest visual creature and determines the closest heard creature.
GetNearestTrapToObjectDetermines the closest trap from a creature or object.
GetNextEffectDetermines the next active effect on a creature.
GetNextFactionMemberObtains the next member of the faction that a creature is a member of.
GetNextInPersistentObjectDetermines the nextobject of a specific type that is inside a persistent object.
GetNextItemInInventoryDetermines the first item in an object's inventory.
GetNextItemPropertyDetermines the next itemproperty on an item
GetNextObjectInAreaDetermines the next object in an area.
GetNextObjectInShapeDetermines the next object of a specific type (creature, door etc) in shape.
GetNextPCObtains the next PC in the player list.
GetNumStackedItemsDetermines the number of stacked items contained within an inventory object.
GetObjectByTagRetrieves an object based on the tag given to it.
GetObjectHeardDetermines if an object can hear another object.
GetObjectSeenDetermines whether an object sees another object.
GetObjectTypeDetermines what type the object is.
GetPCIPAddressRetrieves the IP address of a PC.
GetPCItemLastEquippedReturns the last equipped item
GetPCItemLastEquippedByReturns the PC that last equipped an item
GetPCItemLastUnequippedReturns the last unequipped item
GetPCItemLastUnequippedByGet the PC who last unequipped an item
GetPCLevellingUpRetrieves reference to the last PC that levelled up.
GetPCPlayerNameRetrieves the login name of the player of a PC.
GetPCPublicCDKeyRetrieves the public version of the PC's CD key.
GetPCSpeakerRetrieves the PC that is currently in a conversation with an NPC.
GetPlaceableIlluminationRetrieves the current state of a placeables illumination.
GetPlotFlagDetermines whether an object is flagged as plot item.
GetPositionDetermines the position of a creature or object.
GetPositionFromLocationReturns the vector part of a location.
GetRacialTypeDetermines the race of a creature.
GetRangedAttackGroupThis function is prototyped but not used.
GetReflexAdjustedDamageDetermines the damage to be applied after saving throws are applied.
GetReflexSavingThrowDetermines the base reflex saving throw number of a creature, door or placeable.
GetReputationDetermines how one creature feels toward another creature.
GetResRefReturns the ResRef of an object.
GetSittingCreatureDetermines which creature sitting on a particular object.
GetSkillRankDetermines a creature's rank in particular skill.
GetSpellCastItemDetermines the object that caused the spell script to be called.
GetSpellIdDetermines the spell identifier for a spell which a script is currently processing.
GetSpellResistanceReturns the spell resistance of the specified creature
GetSpellSaveDCDetermines the DC needed to save against the cast spell.
GetSpellTargetLocationDetermines the location of a spell's target location.
GetSpellTargetObjectRetrieves the target of the caller's last spell.
GetStandardFactionReputationDetermines a creature's faction standing within a given standard faction group.
GetStartingLocationDetermines the starting location of the module.
GetStealthModeDetermines if a given creature is using a stealth mode.
GetStolenFlagDetermine if an item has been stolen.
GetStoreGoldReturns the amount of gold a store currently has
GetStoreIdentifyCostDetermines how much a store charges to identify items
GetStoreMaxBuyPriceGets the maximum amount a store will pay for any item
GetStringByStrRefDetermines translated string by string reference.
GetStringLeftGets a substring from within a string.
GetStringLengthDetermines the length of a string.
GetStringLowerCaseConvert a string to lower case.
GetStringRightGets a substring from within a string.
GetStringUpperCaseConvert string to upper case.
GetStrRefSoundDurationDetermine the duration of a sound attached to a string reference.
GetSubRaceDetermines the sub race of a creature.
GetSubStringGet a substring from within a string.
GetTagDetermine the tag associated with an object.
GetTileMainLight1ColorDetermines the color of the first main light of a tile.
GetTileMainLight2ColorDetermines the second main light color for a tile.
GetTileSourceLight1ColorDetermines the color of the first light source for a tile.
GetTileSourceLight2ColorDetermines the color of the second light source of a tile.
GetTimeHourGets the current hour.
GetTimeMillisecondGets the current millisecond.
GetTimeMinuteGets the current minute.
GetTimeSecondGets the current second.
GetTotalDamageDealtGet the total amount of damage that was last dealt to the caller.
GetToughestAttackerThis function is prototyped but not used.
GetTransitionTargetGets the associated transitional target.
GetTrapBaseTypeDetermines the type (i.e. frost, spike, etc.) of a trap.
GetTrapCreatorReturns the name of the creature that set the specific trap.
GetTrapDetectableDetermines if the specific trap has been set as detectable or not by the toolset.
GetTrapDetectDCDetermines the DC required to detect the specific trap.
GetTrapDetectedByDetermines whether a creature has detected a specific trap.
GetTrapDisarmableDetermines if the specific trap is capable of being disarmed.
GetTrapDisarmDCDetermines the DC for the trap to be disarmed.
GetTrapFlaggedDetermine if a specific trap has been set as visible to all creatures.
GetTrapKeyTagDetermines the identifier of the key required to disarm the specific trap.
GetTrapOneShotDetermines if the trap was designated as only going off once.
GetTurnResistanceHDDetermines the number of HitDice of Turn Resistance the undead creature has.
GetTypeFromTalentDetermines the primary category of the talent requested.
GetUseableFlagDetermines if a placeable object is useable.
GetUserDefinedEventNumberDetermines the specific user-defined number that has been sent to it.
GetValidWeaponDoes not exist.
GetWaypointByTagGet the first waypoint with a specified tag.
GetWeaponRangedChecks whether a given item is a ranged weapon.
GetWeatherGets the current weather conditions for a given area
GetWeightRetrieves the weight of an individual item, or the weight of all objects carried by a single creature.
GetWillSavingThrowDetermines the base reflex saving throw number of a creature, door or placeable.
GetXPGet a given creature's experience.
GiveGoldToCreatureCreates the specified amount of gold on the creature.
GiveXPToCreatureGives an amount of experience to the specified creature.
GreaterRestoreInvalid function; does nothing (use RemoveEffects(object) from nw_i0_plot instead).
HasSpellChecks if caller has spell
HoursToSecondsThis function calculates the number of actual seconds in n game hour(s).
IncrementRemainingFeatUsesGive a creature one extra use of a given feat
InsertStringThis function will insert a string into the destination string at the position indicated by nPosition.
IntToFloatThis function converts an int to a float of the same value.
IntToHexStringThis function converts an int to a string representation of the same hexadecimal value.
IntToStringThis function converts an int to a string representation of the same value.
IsInConversationDetermines whether an object is in conversation.
ItemPropertyAbilityBonusSets an ability bonus itemproperty.
ItemPropertyACBonusSets an armor class bonus itemproperty.
ItemPropertyACBonusVsAlignSets an "armor class bonus against an alignment group" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyACBonusVsDmgTypeSets an "armor class bonus against damage type" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyACBonusVsRaceSets an "armor class bonus against racial type" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyACBonusVsSAlignSets an "armor class bonus against specific alignment" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyArcaneSpellFailureSets an itemproperty which modifies an arcane spell failure factor.
ItemPropertyAttackBonusSets an attack bonus itemproperty.
ItemPropertyAttackBonusVsAlignSets an "attack bonus versus alignment group" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyAttackBonusVsRaceSets an "attack bonus versus race" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyAttackBonusVsSAlignSets an "attack bonus versus specific alignment" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyAttackPenaltySets an attack penalty itemproperty.
ItemPropertyBonusFeatSets a bonus feat itemproperty.
ItemPropertyBonusLevelSpellSets a "bonus spell of a specified level" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyBonusSavingThrowSets a saving throw bonus itemproperty.
ItemPropertyBonusSavingThrowVsXSets a "saving throw bonus" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyBonusSpellResistanceSets a "spell resistance bonus" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyCastSpellSets a "cast spell" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyContainerReducedWeightSets a "reduced weight container" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyDamageBonusSets a damage bonus itemproperty.
ItemPropertyDamageBonusVsAlignSets a "damage bonus versus alignment group" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyDamageBonusVsRaceSets a "damage bonus versus racial type" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyDamageBonusVsSAlignSets a "damage bonus versus specific alignment" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyDamageImmunitySets a damage immunity itemproperty.
ItemPropertyDamagePenaltySets a damage penalty itemproperty.
ItemPropertyDamageReductionSets a damage reduction itemproperty.
ItemPropertyDamageResistanceSets a damage resistance itemproperty.
ItemPropertyDamageVulnerabilitySets a damage vulnerability itemproperty.
ItemPropertyDarkvisionSets a darkvision itemproperty.
ItemPropertyDecreaseAbilitySets a decrease ability itemproperty.
ItemPropertyDecreaseACSets a "decrease armor class" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyDecreaseSkillSets a decrease skill item property.
ItemPropertyEnhancementBonusSets an enhancement bonus item property.
ItemPropertyEnhancementBonusVsAlignSets an "enhancement bonus versus alignment group" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyEnhancementBonusVsRaceSets an "enhancement bonus versus racial type" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyEnhancementBonusVsSAlignSets an "enhancement bonus versus specific alignment" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyEnhancementPenaltySets an enhancement penalty ability bonus.
ItemPropertyExtraMeleeDamageTypeSets an "extra melee damagetype" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyExtraRangeDamageTypeSets an "extra ranged damagetype" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyFreeActionSets a free action (freedom of movement) itemproperty.
ItemPropertyHasteSets a haste itemproperty.
ItemPropertyHealersKitSets a healers' kit itemproperty.
ItemPropertyHolyAvengerSets a holy avenger itemproperty.
ItemPropertyImmunityMiscSets an immunity itemproperty.
ItemPropertyImmunityToSpellLevelSets an "immunity to spell level" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyImprovedEvasionSets an improved evasion itemproperty.
ItemPropertyKeenSets a keen itemproperty.
ItemPropertyLightSets a light itemproperty.
ItemPropertyLimitUseByAlignSets an "only useable by alignment group" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyLimitUseByClassSets an "only useable by class" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyLimitUseByRaceSets an "only useable by race" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyLimitUseBySAlignSets an "only useable by specific alignment" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyMassiveCriticalSets a massive criticals itemproperty.
ItemPropertyMaxRangeStrengthModSets a mighty itemproperty.
ItemPropertyMonsterDamageSets a monster damage itemproperty.
ItemPropertyNoDamageSets a no damage itemproperty.
ItemPropertyOnHitCastSpellSets an "on hit cast spell" item property.
ItemPropertyOnHitPropsSets an OnHit itemproperty.
ItemPropertyOnMonsterHitPropertiesSets an "on monster hit" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyReducedSavingThrowSets a "reduced saving throw" item property.
ItemPropertyReducedSavingThrowVsXSets a "reduced saving throw" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyRegenerationSets a regeneration itemproperty.
ItemPropertySkillBonusSets a skill bonus itemproperty.
ItemPropertySpecialWalkSets a special walk itemproperty.
ItemPropertySpellImmunitySchoolSets an "immunity against spell school" itemproperty.
ItemPropertySpellImmunitySpecificSets an "immunity to specific spell" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyThievesToolsSets a thieves' tools itemproperty.
ItemPropertyTrapSets a trap itemproperty.
ItemPropertyTrueSeeingSets a true seeing itemproperty.
ItemPropertyTurnResistanceSets a turn resistance itemproperty.
ItemPropertyUnlimitedAmmoSets an unlimited ammo itemproperty.
ItemPropertyVampiricRegenerationSets a vampiric regeneration itemproperty.
ItemPropertyVisualEffectAllows a melee weapon have a certain glow.
ItemPropertyWeightIncreaseSets an increased weight itemproperty.
ItemPropertyWeightReductionSets a weight reduction itemproperty.
JumpToLocationThis is a command to move instantly to the location referenced by lLocation.
JumpToObjectTeleports the calling object to the nearest valid location by the target.
JumpToWeakestEnemyMakes the caller jump to the most damaged enemy.
LevelUpHenchmanLevels up a creature using the default settings.
LineOfSightObjectIs there a line of sight between two objects
LineOfSightVectorReturns whether there's a direct line between two positions
LocationSet the value of a Location data structure
logThis function calculates the logarithmic value of fValue
MagicalEffectThis function sets the effects sub type to magical.
MakeWayBuilds the tag for the waypoint to walk to.
MatchFortAttacksThis function is prototyped but not used.
MatchReflexAttacksThis function is prototyped but not used.
MusicBackgroundChangeDayChanges the background daytime music for the area specified.
MusicBackgroundChangeNightChanges the background nighttime music for the area specified.
MusicBackgroundGetBattleTrackGets the background battle track for an area.
MusicBackgroundGetDayTrackGets the daytime background track for an area.
MusicBackgroundGetNightTrackGets the nighttime background track for an area.
MusicBackgroundPlayStarts the currently selected background track playing.
MusicBackgroundSetDelayThis function changes the delay (in milliseconds) of the background music.
MusicBackgroundStopStops playing the currently selected background track.
MusicBattleChangeChanges the battle music for the area specified.
MusicBattlePlayStarts the currently selected battle track playing
MusicBattleStopStops the currently playing battle track.
NextTagGets the tag of the next waypoint to walk to.
NightToDayChanges the current Day/Night cycle for this player to daylight
ObjectToStringConverts an object into a hexadecimal string.
OpenInventoryOpens a player's inventory panel.
OpenStoreOpens a store for PCs to barter.
PlayAnimationPlay an animation.
PlaySoundPlays a sound on the client machine.
PlaySoundByStrRefPlays a sound associated with a string reference (StrRef).
PlayVoiceChatPlays a voice chat.
PopUpDeathGUIPanelDisplays a customizable death panel.
PopUpGUIPanelDisplays a GUI panel to a player.
powCalculates a number raised to a power.
PrintFloatRecords a floating point number to the log file.
PrintIntegerRecords an integer to the log file.
PrintObjectPrints an object's ID number to the log file.
PrintStringRecords a message to the log file.
PrintVectorRecords a vector to the log file.
RandomReturns a pseudo-random number with a range.
RandomNameGenerates a random name.
RecomputeStaticLightingRecomputes the lighting in an area based on current static lighting conditions.
ReflexSavePerforms a ReflexSave check.
RemoveEffectRemoves an effect from a creature or object.
RemoveFromPartyRemoves a PC from their party.
RemoveHenchmanRemoves the henchmen from the employ of a PC.
RemoveItemPropertyRemoves an itemproperty from an item.
RemoveJournalQuestEntryRemoves a journal quest entry from a PCs journal.
RemoveSummonedAssociateRemoves an associate NPC from the service of a PC.
ResistSpellPerforms a spell resistance check between the caster and the target.
RespondToShoutSets NPC to respond to numerous alerts sent by PC or other NPCs.
RestoreBaseAttackBonusRestores the number of base attacks back to it's original state
RestoreCameraFacingRestores the camera mode and facing.
RetrieveCampaignObjectRetrieves an object stored in the campaign database.
RoundsToSecondsConverts a number of rounds into seconds.
RunDrownImpactAllows a water elemental to fill its victim’s lungs with water, drowning the victim.
RunMelfAcidImpactHandles the dealing of damage each round by the Melf’s Acid Arrow spell.
RunNextCircuitMakes an NPC move to their initial waypoint.
SearchForPlayerMakes a guard search for and attack the nearest PC.
SendMessageToAllDMsSends a message to all Dungeon Masters on server.
SendMessageToPCSends a message to the PC.
SendMessageToPCByStrRefSend a message to a player
SetActionModeSets the status of an action mode on a creature
SetAILevelSets the AI (artificial intellegence) level of a creature.
SetAreaTransitionBMPSets the graphic shown when a PC moves between two different areas in a module.
SetAssociateListenPatternsPrepares an associate (henchman, summoned, familiar) to be commanded.
SetBaseAttackBonusSets the number of base attacks for the specified creature
SetCalendarSet calendar date for the module.
SetCameraFacingChanges the direction the player's camera is facing.
SetCameraHeightSets the camera to a certain height
SetCameraModeChanges the perspective view of the player on the screen.
SetCampaignFloatSets the value of a float in the campaign database.
SetCampaignIntSets the value of an integer in the campaign database.
SetCampaignLocationSets the value of a location in the campaign database.
SetCampaignStringSets the value of a string in the campaign database.
SetCampaignVectorSets the value of a vector in the campaign database.
SetCommandableMakes NPC available for new instructions.
SetCreatureAppearanceTypeChange a creature's appearance
SetCustomTokenSets the value for a custom token.
SetCutsceneCameraMoveRateSets the current movement rate factor for the cutscene cameraman
SetCutsceneModeSets the cut-scene mode.
SetDeitySet the deity of a creature or PC
SetDroppableFlagMarks an item as droppable or undroppable.
SetEncounterActiveSets an encounter to active or inactive.
SetEncounterDifficultySets the difficulty level of an encounter.
SetEncounterSpawnsCurrentSets the number of times that an encounter has spawned.
SetEncounterSpawnsMaxSets the maximum number of times that an encounter can spawn.
SetFacingSets the object to face a certain direction.
SetFacingPointSets the object to face the direction of a vector.
SetIdentifiedSets whether an object has been identified.
SetImmortalSets a creature as immortal.
SetIsDestroyableSets whether an object is destroyable.
SetIsTemporaryEnemyCauses an creature to consider another creature an enemy indefintely or for a fixed time.
SetIsTemporaryFriendCauses an creature to consider another creature a friend indefintely or for a fixed time.
SetIsTemporaryNeutralCauses an creature to consider another creature neutral indefintely or for a fixed time.
SetItemChargesSets the number of charges left on a given item.
SetItemCursedFlagSets whether an item is cursed or not
SetItemStackSizeSet the number of items in a given stack.
SetListeningSets whether an object should listen.
SetListeningPatternsPrepares the listening patterns to allow for the AI to function properly.
SetListenPatternSets an object to listen to a particular pattern.
SetLocalFloatStore a float as a local variable within an object.
SetLocalIntStore a number as a local variable within an object.
SetLocalLocationStore a location as a local variable within an object.
SetLocalObjectStore an object as a local variable within an object.
SetLocalStringStore a string as a local variable within an object.
SetLockedLocks or unlocks a door or placeable.
SetLootableSets whether a creature leaves a lootable corpse upon death
SetMapPinEnabledEnable a map pin.
SetMaxHenchmenSets the maximum number of henchmen
SetPanelButtonFlashMake a panel button in the player's client start or stop flashing.
SetPCDislikeSets the fact that a player dislikes a creature (or object).
SetPCLikeCauses a creature to "like" a PC.
SetPlaceableIlluminationSets the illumination for a placeable on or off.
SetPlotFlagSets an object's plot status.
SetStandardFactionReputationSet a creature's faction standing within a given standard faction group.
SetStolenFlagSet whether the item is stolen
SetStoreGoldSets the amount of gold a store has
SetStoreIdentifyCostSet how much a store charges to identify items
SetStoreMaxBuyPriceSets the maximum amount a store will pay for any item
SetSubRaceSets or changes a creature's or PC's subrace
SetTileMainLightColorSets the main light colors for a tile.
SetTileSourceLightColorSets the source light color for a tile.
SetTimeSets the game's current time.
SetTrapDetectedByMakes a trap detected by a creature
SetTrapDisabledDisables the trap on the specified object.
SetWeatherAllows you to set the weather for an area or the entire module.
SetXPSets a creatures experience points to a particular value.
SignalEventCauses an object to fire a specified event.
sinReturns the sine of fValue.
SoundObjectPlayPlay a sound object.
SoundObjectSetPositionSets the position of a sound object relative to the player(s).
SoundObjectSetVolumeThis function will set the volume of a placed sound object, great for creating mood effects.
SoundObjectStopStops a sound object from playing.
SpawnScriptDebuggerFires the script debugger for debugging a running script.
SpeakOneLinerConversationImmediately speak a conversation one-liner.
SpeakStringForces an object to immediately speak.
SpeakStringByStrRefCauses an object to instantly speak a translated string.
StartAttackLoopThis function is prototyped but not used.
StartNewModuleMoves the existing players to a new module.
StopFadeRemoves any current fading effects or black screen.
StoreCameraFacingStores the camera facing and position so it can be restored later.
StoreCampaignObjectStores an item or creature in the campaign database.
StringToFloatConverts a string into a floating point number.
StringToIntConverts a string to an integer.
SupernaturalEffectModifies an effect to make it a Supernatural effect.
SurrenderToEnemiesCauses all creatures in a 10 meter (1 tile) radius to stop actions, improves the creature's reputation with nearby enemies for 3 minutes. Only works for NPCs.
TakeArtifactItemRemoves the plot related item from a player's inventory.
TakeComplexItemRemoves the plot related item from a player's inventory.
TakeFetchItemRemoves the plot related item from a player's inventory.
TakeGoldFromCreatureTakes a specified amount of gold away from a creature.
TalentFeatCreates a talent that corresponds to an associated D&D feat.
TalentSkillCreates a skill talent
TalentSpellCreates a spell talent
tanGets the tangent of a given angle.
TestStringAgainstPatternReturns whether or not the given text matches the pattern.
TouchAttackMeleePerforms a touch melee attack out of turn.
TouchAttackRangedExecutes and determines the results of a ranged touch attack.
TurnsToSecondsConvert turns into seconds.
UniversalSpellMatchThis function is prototyped but not used.
UnpossessFamiliarUnpossesses a familiar from its controller.
VectorCreates a vector (position) from three points.
VectorMagnitudeDetermines the magnitute of a vector.
VectorNormalizeNormalize a vector.
VectorToAngleConverts a vector variable to an angle.
VersusAlignmentEffectSet eEffect to be versus a specific alignment.
VersusRacialTypeEffectSet eEffect to be versus nRacialType.
VersusTrapEffectModifies an effect so that it only works against traps.
WillSavePerforms a Will Save check.
WriteTimestampedLogEntryRecords a string in the log file along with a date-time stamp.
YardsToMetersGets the number of meters in a number of yards.

 author: Charles Feduke
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