Functions which do not appear in #include files.
Name | Brief Description |
abs | Get the absolute value of a number. |
acos | Gets the arc cosine of a value. |
ActionAttack | Initiates an attack between two creatures or a creature and an object. |
ActionCastFakeSpellAtLocation | Display casting animation and spell visuals without subsequent spell effects. |
ActionCastFakeSpellAtObject | Display casting animation and spell visuals without subsequent spell effects. |
ActionCastSpellAtLocation | Cast a spell at a specific location. |
ActionCastSpellAtObject | Cast a spell at an object. |
ActionCloseDoor | An action that causes an object to close a door. |
ActionCounterSpell | Causes the caller to enter the counterspell modal combat mode. |
ActionDoCommand | Inserts a command into the Action Queue. |
ActionEquipItem | Puts an item in possesion into an inventory slot. |
ActionEquipMostDamagingMelee | Causes the calling creature to equip its most damaging weapon. |
ActionEquipMostDamagingRanged | Causes the calling creature to equip the most damaging ranged weapon in its inventory. |
ActionEquipMostEffectiveArmor | Causes the calling creature to equip the best armor in its inventory. |
ActionExamine | Examine an object |
ActionForceFollowObject | Forces an NPC to follow an object. |
ActionForceMoveToLocation | Attempts to move an NPC to a location. |
ActionForceMoveToObject | Attempts to move an NPC to a certain distance of a target object even if a clear path doesn't exist. |
ActionGiveItem | Gives a specified item to a target creature. |
ActionInteractObject | Causes a creature or PC to use an object. |
ActionJumpToLocation | Instantly sends the calling object to the position of locTarget. |
ActionJumpToObject | Teleports the calling object to the nearest valid location by the target. |
ActionLockObject | An action that will cause a creature to lock a door or other unlocked object. |
ActionMoveAwayFromLocation | Causes the caller to try to move away from a location |
ActionMoveAwayFromObject | Cause the action subject to move to a certain distance away from a target. |
ActionMoveToLocation | Moves an NPC to a location before executing further actions in the action queue. |
ActionMoveToObject | Cause action subject to move to a certain distance of a target object. |
ActionOpenDoor | An action that will cause a creature to open a door. |
ActionPauseConversation | Pause the current conversation. |
ActionPickUpItem | Causes subject to run to an item and place it in inventory. |
ActionPlayAnimation | Plays an animation (fire and forget, looping, or placeable) before executing the next action in the queue. |
ActionPutDownItem | Causes the subject to place an item on the ground at it's feet. |
ActionRandomWalk | Causes the subject to walk to a random location close to itself. |
ActionRest | Causes the creature to rest. |
ActionResumeConversation | Resume a conversation after it has been paused. |
ActionSit | Causes a creature to attempt to sit on something. |
ActionSpeakString | Causes an object to speak. |
ActionSpeakStringByStrRef | Causes the creature to speak a translated string. |
ActionStartConversation | NPC action to start a conversation with a PC |
ActionTakeItem | Takes an item from an object |
ActionUnequipItem | Makes the executing creature unequip an object and place it in their inventory. |
ActionUnlockObject | Causes a creature to unlock a door or other locked object. |
ActionUseFeat | Causes an NPC to use a feat on oTarget. |
ActionUseSkill | Causes a creature to attempt to use a skill on another object. |
ActionUseTalentAtLocation | Use tChosenTalent at lTargetLocation. |
ActionUseTalentOnObject | Use tChosenTalent on oTarget. |
ActionWait | Adds a wait action to an objects queue. |
ActivatePortal | Send a player's client to a new server, where the player's character will log in. |
ActivePortal | NON-EXISTING IN VERSION 1.32 |
AddHenchman | Adds a henchman NPC to a PC. |
AddItemProperty | Add an itemproperty to an item |
AddJournalQuestEntry | Add an entry to a player's Journal. (Create the entry in the Journal Editor first). |
AddToParty | Adds a PC to the party of another PC. |
AdjustAlignment | Adjusts the alignment of a creature. |
AdjustReputation | Adjusts positively or negatively how a whole faction views a specific person. |
AmbientSoundChangeDay | Changes the ambient daytime soundtrack of an area. |
AmbientSoundChangeNight | Modify an Area's nighttime soundtrack. |
AmbientSoundPlay | Starts the ambient soundtrack of an area playing. |
AmbientSoundSetDayVolume | Change the volume of the ambient daytime soundtrack in an area. |
AmbientSoundSetNightVolume | Change the volume of an area's ambient nighttime soundtrack |
AmbientSoundStop | Stops ambient sounds playing in an area. |
AngleToVector | Converts an angle into a vector. |
ApplyEffectAtLocation | Applies an effect at a location. |
ApplyEffectToObject | Applies an effect (visual or actual) to an object. |
ApplyPenalty | Applies the penalty for respawn for the resurrecting PC. |
asin | Gets the arc sine of a value. |
AssignCommand | Assigns an action command to a creature to act on. |
atan | Gets the arc tangent of a value. |
BeginConversation | Attempts to start a conversation immediately. |
BlackScreen | Makes the screen go black. |
BootPC | Abruptly kicks a player off a multi-player server. |
ChangeFaction | Change a creature's faction to that of another. |
ChangeToStandardFaction | Changes a creature's faction to one of the four standard factions. |
ClearAllActions | Removes all actions from an action queue. |
ClearPersonalReputation | Changes the friendly or hostile feelings an NPC or creature may have towards a PC, NPC or other creature. |
CopyItem | Duplicates an item. |
CopyItemAndModify | Copies an item, making a single modification to it |
CopyObject | Duplicates the object specified. |
cos | Gets the cosine of a value. |
CreateItemOnObject | Create a specific item in an objects inventory |
CreateObject | Create an object of a specified type at a given location |
d10 | Rolls a 10-sided die. |
d100 | Rolls a 100-sided die. |
d12 | Rolls a 12-sided die. |
d2 | Rolls a 2-sided die (or flips a coin). |
d20 | Rolls a 20-sided die. |
d3 | Rolls a 3-sided die. |
d4 | Rolls a 4-sided die. |
d6 | Rolls a 6-sided die. |
d8 | Rolls an 8-sided die. |
DayToNight | Changes the current Day/Night cycle for this player to night |
DebugPrintTalentID | Sends a message to the server log file of the talent ID specified. |
DecrementRemainingFeatUses | Decrements the remaining number of uses of a particular feat for a creature. |
DecrementRemainingSpellUses | Decrease the number of spell uses of a particular spell for a given creature. |
DelayCommand | Delays an assigned action for a period of time. |
DeleteCampaignVariable | Deletes a campaign variable from the database. |
DeleteLocalFloat | Deletes oObject's float variable sVarName |
DeleteLocalInt | Deletes oObject's integer variable sVarName. |
DeleteLocalLocation | Deletes oObject's location variable sVarName. |
DeleteLocalObject | Deletes oObject's object variable sVarName |
DeleteLocalString | Deletes oObject's string variable sVarName. |
DestroyCampaignDatabase | Destroys a campaign database. |
DestroyObject | Destroy an object. |
DoDoorAction | Does specific action to target door. |
DoPlaceableObjectAction | Starts a placeable object special action. |
DoSinglePlayerAutoSave | Saves a single player game. |
DoWhirlwindAttack | Perform a whirlwind attack. |
EffectAbilityDecrease | Creates an ability decreasing effect on specified ability score. |
EffectAbilityIncrease | Create an effect that increases an objects specified ability score. |
EffectACDecrease | Creates an AC decrease effect. |
EffectACIncrease | Gives an AC bonus to an object. |
EffectAppear | Create a special effect to make the object "fly in". |
EffectAreaOfEffect | Returns a new effect object. |
EffectAttackDecrease | Create an Attack Decrease effect. |
EffectAttackIncrease | Create an Attack Increase effect |
EffectBeam | Create a Beam effect. |
EffectBlindness | Create a Blindness effect. |
EffectCharmed | Create a Charm effect |
EffectConcealment | Returns a new effect object. |
EffectConfused | Creates a confusion effect. |
EffectCurse | Create a Curse effect. |
EffectCutsceneDominated | Creates an effect that is guranteed to dominate a creature. |
EffectCutsceneGhost | Creates a cutscene ghost effect |
EffectCutsceneImmobilize | Immobilize a creature |
EffectCutsceneParalyze | Creates an effect that will paralyze a creature for use in a cut-scene. |
EffectDamage | Returns a new effect object. |
EffectDamageDecrease | Returns a new effect object. |
EffectDamageImmunityDecrease | Create a Damage Immunity Decrease effect. |
EffectDamageImmunityIncrease | Creates a Damage Immunity Increase effect |
EffectDamageIncrease | Create a Damage Increase effect. |
EffectDamageReduction | Create a Damage Reduction effect. |
EffectDamageResistance | Returns a new effect object that makes the target more resistant to certain types of damage. |
EffectDamageShield | Creates a damage shield around the target that will damage sucessfull attackers. |
EffectDarkness | Returns a new effect object. |
EffectDazed | Returns a new effect object. |
EffectDeaf | Returns a new effect object. |
EffectDeath | Create a Death effect |
EffectDisappear | Returns a new effect object. |
EffectDisappearAppear | Returns a new effect object. |
EffectDisease | Create a Disease effect. |
EffectDispelMagicAll | Create a Dispel Magic All effect. |
EffectDispelMagicBest | Create a Dispel Magic Best effect. |
EffectDominated | Returns a new effect object. |
EffectEntangle | Create an Entangle effect |
EffectEthereal | Creates an effect like the Sanctuary spell, but the observers get no saving throw. |
EffectFrightened | Create a frightened effect for use in making creatures shaken or flee. |
EffectHaste | Returns a new effect object. |
EffectHeal | Creates a healing effect. |
EffectHitPointChangeWhenDying | Returns a new effect object. |
EffectImmunity | Create an Immunity effect. |
EffectInvisibility | Create an Invisibility effect. |
EffectKnockdown | Returns a new effect object. |
EffectLinkEffects | Creates one new effect object from two seperate effect objects. |
EffectMissChance | Creates a miss chance effect. |
EffectModifyAttacks | Create a Modify Attacks effect that adds attacks to the target. |
EffectMovementSpeedDecrease | Create a Movement Speed Decrease effect to slow target. |
EffectMovementSpeedIncrease | Create a Movement Speed Increase effect to speed target movement rate. |
EffectNegativeLevel | Create a Negative Level effect that will decrease the level of the target. |
EffectParalyze | Returns a new effect object. |
EffectPetrify | Creates an effect that will petrify a creature. |
EffectPoison | Create a Poison effect. |
EffectPolymorph | Create a Polymorph effect that changes the target into a different type of creature. |
EffectRegenerate | Create a Regenerate effect. |
EffectResurrection | Returns a new effect object. |
EffectSanctuary | Creates a sanctuary effect. |
EffectSavingThrowDecrease | Create a Saving Throw Decrease effect to lower one Saving Throw type. |
EffectSavingThrowIncrease | Create a Saving Throw Increase effect to raise one Saving Throw type. |
EffectSeeInvisible | Returns a new effect object. |
EffectSilence | Create a Silence effect |
EffectSkillDecrease | Returns an effect to decrease a skill. |
EffectSkillIncrease | Returns an effect which will cause a skill increase. |
EffectSleep | Returns a sleep effect. |
EffectSlow | Creates a slow effect. |
EffectSpellFailure | Creates an effect that inhibits spells. |
EffectSpellImmunity | Returns an effect of spell immunity. |
EffectSpellLevelAbsorption | Returns a Spell Level Absorption effect |
EffectSpellResistanceDecrease | Returns a Spell Resistance Decrease effect. |
EffectSpellResistanceIncrease | Returns an effect which increases spell resistance. |
EffectStunned | Returns a Stunned effect. |
EffectSummonCreature | Creates a summon creature effect. |
EffectSwarm | Returns a Swarm effect. |
EffectTemporaryHitpoints | Create a Temporary Hitpoints effect that raises the Hitpoints of the target. |
EffectTimeStop | Returns a new effect object. |
EffectTrueSeeing | Returns an effect of True Seeing. |
EffectTurned | Returns a new effect object. |
EffectTurnResistanceDecrease | Create a Turn Resistance Decrease effect that can make creatures more susceptible to turning. |
EffectTurnResistanceIncrease | Create a Turn Resistance Decrease effect that can make creatures more resistant to turning. |
EffectUltravision | Returns an effect of Ultravision |
EffectVisualEffect | Creates a new visual effect object |
EndGame | Ends the currently running game. |
EventActivateItem | Returns an event of type Activate Item. |
EventConversation | Returns an event of type Conversation. |
EventSpellCastAt | Creates an event which triggers a "spell cast at" reaction. |
EventUserDefined | Returns an event of the type nUserDefinedEventNumber. |
ExecuteScript | Cause a script to execute. |
ExploreAreaForPlayer | Reveals the entire map of an area to a player. |
ExportAllCharacters | Save all characters in the game. |
ExportSingleCharacter | Force the character of the player specified to be exported to its respective directory, i.e. LocalVault/ServerVault/ etc. |
ExtraordinaryEffect | Marks an effect as belonging to the effect subtype Extraordinary. |
fabs | Gets the absolute value of a number. |
FadeFromBlack | Fades the screen from black into normal view. |
FadeToBlack | Fades the screen for a given player to black. |
FakeRestore | Encapsulates removal of bad effects and healing of oTarget. |
FeetToMeters | Returns how many meters are in fFeet. |
FindSubString | Returns the position of sSubstring in sString. |
FindTarget | Finds the next target for a guard to attack. |
FloatingTextStringOnCreature | Briefly displays ambient text above targets head. |
FloatingTextStrRefOnCreature | Briefly displays a string ref as ambient text above targets head. |
FloatToInt | Converts a number with a decimal into a number without one. |
FloatToString | Converts a float into a string. |
ForceRest | Fully restores a creature |
FortitudeSave | Returns the result of a Fortitude Save check. |
Get2DAString | Retrieves a string value from a *.2da file on a server. |
GetAbilityModifier | Get a creature's ability modifier for a specified ability. |
GetAbilityScore | Get the ability score of a specific type for a creature. |
GetAC | Retrieves the AC (armor class) of a creature. |
GetActionMode | Check if a creature is using a given action mode |
GetAge | Determines the age of a creature. |
GetAILevel | Retrieves the current AI (artificial intelligence) level that a creature is running at. |
GetAlignmentGoodEvil | Determines the disposition of a creature. |
GetAlignmentLawChaos | Determines the ethos of a given creature. |
GetAnimalCompanionCreatureType | Get a creature's familiar creature type. |
GetAnimalCompanionName | Gets a creature's familiar name. |
GetAppearanceType | Retrieves the appearance of a specified creature. |
GetArcaneSpellFailure | Gets a creature's arcane spell failure factor |
GetArea | Returns the area oTarget is currently in. |
GetAreaFromLocation | Returns the area that a particular location is in. |
GetAreaOfEffectCreator | Gets the creator of an Area of Effect object. |
GetAssociate | Returns an object's associate. |
GetAssociateCRMax | |
GetAssociateHealMaster | |
GetAssociateState | |
GetAssociateType | Returns the associate type of the specified creature |
GetAttackCompatibility | This function is prototyped but not used. |
GetAttackTarget | Determines the current foe under attack by the specified creature. |
GetAttemptedAttackTarget | Determines the last creature that an attempted attack was made on. |
GetAttemptedSpellTarget | Determines the creature a spell was attempted to be cast at. |
GetBaseAttackBonus | Retrieves the base attack bonus (BaB) for a specified creature. |
GetBaseItemType | Determines the basic template for the item specified. |
GetBlockingDoor | Determines the door that is blocking a creature. |
GetCalendarDay | Retrieves the current in-game calendar day. |
GetCalendarMonth | Determines the current in-game calendar month. |
GetCalendarYear | Determine the current in-game calendar year. |
GetCampaignFloat | Retrieves a float from the campaign database. |
GetCampaignInt | Retrieves an integer value from the campaign database. |
GetCampaignLocation | Retrieves a location value from the campaign database. |
GetCampaignString | Retrieves a string value from the campaign database. |
GetCampaignVector | Retrieves a vector value from the campaign database. |
GetCasterLevel | Determines the level of caster for a creature or PC casting a spell. |
GetCenterPointOfArea | Approximates the central location of an area. |
GetChallengeRating | Returns the challenge rating of the target creature. |
GetChangeInY | Convenience function that calculates teh change in the Y axis to the target |
GetClassByPosition | Gets the creatures class for the position identified. The position refers to 1st class, 2nd class or third class in a multi class creature. |
GetClickingObject | Used in the OnClick event to return the clicking object. |
GetCommandable | Determines if the object in question can have actions added to it's action Queue. |
GetCreatureHasTalent | Determines whether a creature has a specific talent. |
GetCreatureSize | Determines the size class of a creature. |
GetCreatureStartingPackage | Returns the default level up package |
GetCreatureTalentBest | Determines the best talent of a creature from a group of talents. |
GetCreatureTalentRandom | Retrieves a random talent from a group of talents that a creature possesses. |
GetCurrentAction | Returns the currently executing Action. |
GetCurrentHitPoints | Determines the number of hit points someone currently has. |
GetCutsceneCameraMoveRate | Returns the current movement rate factor of the cutscene 'camera man' |
GetDamageDealtByType | Determines the amount of damage of a specific type dealt to an object. |
GetDefensiveCastingMode | Retrieves the defensive casting mode status of a creature. |
GetDeity | Determine the deity of a creature. |
GetDetectMode | Determines if a creature is currently searching. |
GetDialogSoundLength | Retrieves the length of a wave (audio) file in seconds. |
GetDistanceBetween | The distance in meters between two objects |
GetDistanceBetweenLocations | The distance in meters between two locations in the game. |
GetDistanceToObject | The distance from the caller of the script to the object in meters. |
GetDroppableFlag | Determines if an item can be dropped. |
GetEffectCreator | Gets the object that created eEffect. |
GetEffectDurationType | Gets the constant that defines the type of effect in eEffect. |
GetEffectSpellId | This will return the constant of the spell that applied the effect (SPELL_*). |
GetEffectSubType | Get the subtype (SUBTYPE_*) of the effect. |
GetEffectType | Get the type constant of the effect. |
GetEncounterActive | Gets a TRUE or FALSE value depending on whether the encounter has spawned and is active. |
GetEncounterDifficulty | Get the difficulty level of the encounter. |
GetEncounterSpawnsCurrent | Get the number of times that the encounter has spawned so far. |
GetEncounterSpawnsMax | Get the maximum number of times that oEncounter will spawn. |
GetEnteringObject | Gets the object that last opened or entered the calling object. |
GetExitingObject | Get the object that last left the calling object. |
GetFacing | Used to determine which direction something is facing. |
GetFacingFromLocation | Get the facing value from a location variable. |
GetFactionAverageGoodEvilAlignment | Get the average number (between 0 and 100 inclusive) of the all objects within the object's faction that represents the Good/Evil alignment |
GetFactionAverageLawChaosAlignment | Get the average number (between 0 and 100 inclusive) of the all objects within the object's faction that represents the Law/Chaos alignment |
GetFactionAverageLevel | Get the average level of the members of the faction. |
GetFactionAverageReputation | Get an integer between 0 and 100 (inclusive) that represents how an objects faction members collectively feel about the target object. |
GetFactionAverageXP | Get the average amount of XPs for all members in an objects faction. |
GetFactionBestAC | Get the member of a faction (party) who has the highest Armor Class. |
GetFactionEqual | Are both objects in the same faction? |
GetFactionGold | Get the amount of gold held by all members of a certain faction. |
GetFactionLeader | Gets the leader of a players party. |
GetFactionLeastDamagedMember | Get the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the fewest hit points of damage. |
GetFactionMostDamagedMember | Get the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the most hit points of damage. |
GetFactionMostFrequentClass | Returns a constant representing the most common type of class amongst the members of a faction (party). |
GetFactionStrongestMember | Get the member of an object's faction who is the strongest. |
GetFactionWeakestMember | Get the weakest member in a faction (party). |
GetFactionWorstAC | Get the object faction member with the lowest armor class. |
GetFamiliarCreatureType | Gets the PC's animal companion creature type. |
GetFamiliarName | Get a creature's animal companion name. |
GetFirstEffect | Determines the first active effect on a creature. |
GetFirstFactionMember | Obtains the first member of the faction that a creature is a member of. |
GetFirstInPersistentObject | Determines the first object of a specific type that is inside a persistent object. |
GetFirstItemInInventory | Determines the first item in an object's inventory. |
GetFirstItemProperty | Determines the first itemproperty on an item |
GetFirstObjectInArea | Determines the first object in an area. |
GetFirstObjectInShape | Determines the first object of a specific type (creature, door etc.) in shape. |
GetFirstPC | Obtains the first PC |
GetFortitudeSavingThrow | Determines the base fortitue saving throw number of a creature, door or placeable. |
GetGameDifficulty | Determines the game difficulty setting. |
GetGender | Determines the gender of a creature. |
GetGoingToBeAttackedBy | Determines the creature that is going to attack another creature in the current combat round. |
GetGold | Gets the amount of gold that a creature possesses. |
GetGoldPieceValue | Determines the value of an item in gold pieces. |
GetGoodEvilValue | Determines a creature's relative good/evil rating. |
GetHasFeat | Test whether a creature is able to perform a feat. |
GetHasFeatEffect | Determines whether a creature has the effects of a feat. |
GetHasInventory | Determine whether an object has an inventory. |
GetHasSkill | Determines whether a creature has a skill. |
GetHasSpell | Determines whether a creature has a spell available. |
GetHasSpellEffect | Determines whether an object is under the effects of a spell. |
GetHenchman | Determines the henchman of a PC. |
GetHitDice | Determines the HD of a creature. |
GetIdentified | Determines whether an object has been identified. |
GetIdFromTalent | Determines the identifier of a talent. |
GetImmortal | Retrieves the mortality of a creature. |
GetInventoryDisturbItem | Returns the disturbing item in an inventory OnDisturbed event. |
GetInventoryDisturbType | Determines the type of disturbance of an inventory. |
GetIsAreaAboveGround | Determines whether an area is above ground or not. |
GetIsAreaNatural | Returns whether an area is natural or not |
GetIsCreatureDisarmable | Check if oCreature can be disarmed |
GetIsDawn | Determines if it's currently dawn. |
GetIsDay | Determines if it is currently day. |
GetIsDead | Determines if a creature is dead or dying. |
GetIsDM | Determines whether a creature is a DM avatar. |
GetIsDMPossessed | Returns whether the creature is possessed by a DM |
GetIsDoorActionPossible | Determines whether an action can be used on a door. |
GetIsDusk | Determines if it is currently dusk. |
GetIsEffectValid | Determines whether an effect is valid. |
GetIsEncounterCreature | Determines whether a creature was spawned from an encounter. |
GetIsEnemy | Determines whether a creature considers another creature an enemy. |
GetIsFriend | Check whether a creature considers another creature a friend. |
GetIsImmune | Determines whether a creature has a specific immunity. |
GetIsInCombat | Determines whether a creature is in combat. |
GetIsInSubArea | Checks if a creature has triggered an OnEnter event |
GetIsItemPropertyValid | Checks if an itemproperty is valid. |
GetIsListening | Check whether an object is listening for something. |
GetIsNeutral | Check whether a creature considers another creature to be neutral to them. |
GetIsNight | Determines if it is currently night. |
GetIsObjectValid | Determines whether an object is valid. |
GetIsOpen | Check whether a placeable or door is currently open. |
GetIsPC | Check whether a creature is player controlled. |
GetIsPlaceableObjectActionPossible | Check whether a given action is valid for a given placeable object. |
GetIsPlayableRacialType | Determine whether the target creature is one of the playable races. |
GetIsPossessedFamiliar | Retrieves the controller status of a familiar. |
GetIsReactionTypeFriendly | Determine whether a creature has a friendly reaction towards another given creature. |
GetIsReactionTypeHostile | Determine whether a creature has a hostile reaction towards another given creature. |
GetIsReactionTypeNeutral | Determine whether oSource has a neutral reaction towards oTarget |
GetIsResting | Check whether a creature is resting. |
GetIsSkillSuccessful | Determines if a skill roll is successful. |
GetIsTalentValid | Check whether a talent is valid. |
GetIsTrapped | Check whether an object is trapped. |
GetIsWeaponEffective | Check whether script owner's equipped weapon is able to damage a given object. |
GetItemActivated | Retrieve the item which was activated to trigger the module's OnActivateItem event. |
GetItemActivatedTarget | Determine the activated item's target. |
GetItemActivatedTargetLocation | Determine the location of the activated item's target. |
GetItemActivator | Retrieve the creature which activated an item. |
GetItemACValue | Get the armor class (AC) of an item. |
GetItemAppearance | Returns the appearance of an item |
GetItemCharges | Retrieves the number of charges remaining on a given item. |
GetItemCursedFlag | Checks if an item is cursed |
GetItemHasItemProperty | Check whether an item has a given property. |
GetItemInSlot | Retrieve the item in a given inventory slot of a creature. |
GetItemPossessedBy | Get an item with a specific tag in a given creature or placeable's inventory. |
GetItemPossessor | Get the creature or object who possesses a specified item. |
GetItemPropertyCostTable | Returns the cost table number of the itemproperty. |
GetItemPropertyCostTableValue | Returns the cost table value of an itemproperty. |
GetItemPropertyDurationType | Gets the duration type of an itemproperty. |
GetItemPropertyParam1 | Returns the Param1 number of the item property. |
GetItemPropertyParam1Value | Returns the Param1 value of the item property. |
GetItemPropertySubType | Gets the subtype of an itemproperty. |
GetItemPropertyType | Returns the type of itemproperty a property is. |
GetItemStackSize | Retrieves the number of similar items in a stack. |
GetJournalQuestExperience | Returns the amount of experience set for a journal category. |
GetLastAssociateCommand | Get the last command issued to a given associate. |
GetLastAttacker | Determine who last attacked a creature, door or placeable object. |
GetLastAttackMode | Determine a creature's combat mode. |
GetLastAttackType | Determine the attack type of a creature's last attack. |
GetLastClosedBy | Determine which creature closed a door or placeable. |
GetLastDamager | Get the object which last damaged a creature or placeable object. |
GetLastDisarmed | Determine who last disarmed a trapped trigger, door or placeable object. |
GetLastDisturbed | Determine who last disturbed the inventory of an object or creature. |
GetLastHostileActor | Gets the last living, non plot creature that performed a hostile act against the object. |
GetLastKiller | Get the object that killed the caller. |
GetLastLocked | Get the last object that locked the caller. |
GetLastOpenedBy | Get the last creature that opened the caller. |
GetLastPCRested | Returns the last PC that rested. |
GetLastPCToCancelCutscene | Retrieves the last player to leave a cut-scene. |
GetLastPerceived | Determines the last perceived creature in an OnPerception event. |
GetLastPerceptionHeard | Determines if the last perceived object was heard. |
GetLastPerceptionInaudible | Gets the last perceived object which can no longer be heard. |
GetLastPerceptionSeen | Determines if the last perceived object was seen. |
GetLastPerceptionVanished | Determines the last perceived creature has vanished. |
GetLastPlayerDied | Determines the last PC that died. |
GetLastPlayerDying | Retrieves the last player that is currently dying. |
GetLastRespawnButtonPresser | Gets the last PC that clicked the Respawn button. |
GetLastRestEventType | Determines the status of the last PC rest. |
GetLastSpeaker | Determines the last creature that was communicated with. |
GetLastSpell | Determines the spell that was last cast. |
GetLastSpellCastClass | Returns the class that the spellcaster cast the spell as |
GetLastSpellCaster | Determines who last cast a spell. |
GetLastSpellHarmful | Determines whether the last spell cast was harmful. |
GetLastTrapDetected | Determines the trap last detected by the PC. |
GetLastUnlocked | Determines who unlocked the object or placeable. |
GetLastUsedBy | Get the last object that used the placeable object that is calling this function. |
GetLastWeaponUsed | Get the last weapon that oCreature used in an attack. |
GetLawChaosValue | Used to find an object's law/chaos value. |
GetLevelByClass | Get the level of an object in a given class. |
GetLevelByPosition | Get the class level of an object from the class table. |
GetListenPatternNumber | Check if a conversation pattern has been activated in an OnConversation event. |
GetLocalFloat | Get the value of a decimal number stored on an object. |
GetLocalInt | Get the value of a whole number stored on an object. |
GetLocalLocation | Get the data describing a location stored on an object. |
GetLocalObject | Get the data describing an object stored on an object. |
GetLocalString | Get the value of a string of characters stored on an object. |
GetLocation | Gets the location of an object. |
GetLocked | Check whether a given object is locked. |
GetLockKeyRequired | Check whether an object requires a specific key to be unlocked. |
GetLockKeyTag | Gets the tag of the key that will open the lock on an object |
GetLockLockable | Check whether or not an object is lockable. |
GetLockLockDC | Find a lock's lock DC. |
GetLockUnlockDC | Find a lock's unlock DC. |
GetLootable | Returns the lootable state of a creature |
GetMaster | Determine who controls a creature. |
GetMatchedSubstring | Get a matched substring specified by a listen pattern. |
GetMatchedSubstringsCount | Get the number of listen pattern substrings matched. |
GetMaxHenchmen | Gets the maximum number of henchmen |
GetMaxHitPoints | Get the maximum hit points (HP) of an object. |
GetMetaMagicFeat | Get the type of metamagic used on the last spell. |
GetModule | Gets the object describing the module. |
GetModuleItemAcquired | Get the item acquired on an OnAcquiredItem event. |
GetModuleItemAcquiredBy | Retrieves an object that acquired a module item. |
GetModuleItemAcquiredFrom | Get the last owner of the item acquired on an OnAcquiredItem event. |
GetModuleItemAcquiredStackSize | Determines the stack size of an item belonging to a module that was just acquired. |
GetModuleItemLost | Get the object that was dropped on an OnUnAcquiredItem event. |
GetModuleItemLostBy | Get the creature that lost the item on an OnUnAcquiredItem event. |
GetModuleName | Get the module name. |
GetMovementRate | Returns the movement rate of a game being |
GetName | Retrieves the name of an object. |
GetNearestCreature | Determines the nearest creature to a target object. |
GetNearestCreatureToLocation | Gets the nearest creature, which matches supplied criteria, to a given location. |
GetNearestObject | Gets the nearest object, which matches given criteria, to the selected target. |
GetNearestObjectByTag | Returns the nearest object to a target by searching for the object’s tag value. |
GetNearestObjectToLocation | Returns the nearest object, which is of a specified type, to a given location. |
GetNearestSeenOrHeardEnemy | Determines closest visual creature and determines the closest heard creature. |
GetNearestTrapToObject | Determines the closest trap from a creature or object. |
GetNextEffect | Determines the next active effect on a creature. |
GetNextFactionMember | Obtains the next member of the faction that a creature is a member of. |
GetNextInPersistentObject | Determines the nextobject of a specific type that is inside a persistent object. |
GetNextItemInInventory | Determines the first item in an object's inventory. |
GetNextItemProperty | Determines the next itemproperty on an item |
GetNextObjectInArea | Determines the next object in an area. |
GetNextObjectInShape | Determines the next object of a specific type (creature, door etc) in shape. |
GetNextPC | Obtains the next PC in the player list. |
GetNumStackedItems | Determines the number of stacked items contained within an inventory object. |
GetObjectByTag | Retrieves an object based on the tag given to it. |
GetObjectHeard | Determines if an object can hear another object. |
GetObjectSeen | Determines whether an object sees another object. |
GetObjectType | Determines what type the object is. |
GetPCIPAddress | Retrieves the IP address of a PC. |
GetPCItemLastEquipped | Returns the last equipped item |
GetPCItemLastEquippedBy | Returns the PC that last equipped an item |
GetPCItemLastUnequipped | Returns the last unequipped item |
GetPCItemLastUnequippedBy | Get the PC who last unequipped an item |
GetPCLevellingUp | Retrieves reference to the last PC that levelled up. |
GetPCPlayerName | Retrieves the login name of the player of a PC. |
GetPCPublicCDKey | Retrieves the public version of the PC's CD key. |
GetPCSpeaker | Retrieves the PC that is currently in a conversation with an NPC. |
GetPlaceableIllumination | Retrieves the current state of a placeables illumination. |
GetPlotFlag | Determines whether an object is flagged as plot item. |
GetPosition | Determines the position of a creature or object. |
GetPositionFromLocation | Returns the vector part of a location. |
GetRacialType | Determines the race of a creature. |
GetRangedAttackGroup | This function is prototyped but not used. |
GetReflexAdjustedDamage | Determines the damage to be applied after saving throws are applied. |
GetReflexSavingThrow | Determines the base reflex saving throw number of a creature, door or placeable. |
GetReputation | Determines how one creature feels toward another creature. |
GetResRef | Returns the ResRef of an object. |
GetSittingCreature | Determines which creature sitting on a particular object. |
GetSkillRank | Determines a creature's rank in particular skill. |
GetSpellCastItem | Determines the object that caused the spell script to be called. |
GetSpellId | Determines the spell identifier for a spell which a script is currently processing. |
GetSpellResistance | Returns the spell resistance of the specified creature |
GetSpellSaveDC | Determines the DC needed to save against the cast spell. |
GetSpellTargetLocation | Determines the location of a spell's target location. |
GetSpellTargetObject | Retrieves the target of the caller's last spell. |
GetStandardFactionReputation | Determines a creature's faction standing within a given standard faction group. |
GetStartingLocation | Determines the starting location of the module. |
GetStealthMode | Determines if a given creature is using a stealth mode. |
GetStolenFlag | Determine if an item has been stolen. |
GetStoreGold | Returns the amount of gold a store currently has |
GetStoreIdentifyCost | Determines how much a store charges to identify items |
GetStoreMaxBuyPrice | Gets the maximum amount a store will pay for any item |
GetStringByStrRef | Determines translated string by string reference. |
GetStringLeft | Gets a substring from within a string. |
GetStringLength | Determines the length of a string. |
GetStringLowerCase | Convert a string to lower case. |
GetStringRight | Gets a substring from within a string. |
GetStringUpperCase | Convert string to upper case. |
GetStrRefSoundDuration | Determine the duration of a sound attached to a string reference. |
GetSubRace | Determines the sub race of a creature. |
GetSubString | Get a substring from within a string. |
GetTag | Determine the tag associated with an object. |
GetTileMainLight1Color | Determines the color of the first main light of a tile. |
GetTileMainLight2Color | Determines the second main light color for a tile. |
GetTileSourceLight1Color | Determines the color of the first light source for a tile. |
GetTileSourceLight2Color | Determines the color of the second light source of a tile. |
GetTimeHour | Gets the current hour. |
GetTimeMillisecond | Gets the current millisecond. |
GetTimeMinute | Gets the current minute. |
GetTimeSecond | Gets the current second. |
GetTotalDamageDealt | Get the total amount of damage that was last dealt to the caller. |
GetToughestAttacker | This function is prototyped but not used. |
GetTransitionTarget | Gets the associated transitional target. |
GetTrapBaseType | Determines the type (i.e. frost, spike, etc.) of a trap. |
GetTrapCreator | Returns the name of the creature that set the specific trap. |
GetTrapDetectable | Determines if the specific trap has been set as detectable or not by the toolset. |
GetTrapDetectDC | Determines the DC required to detect the specific trap. |
GetTrapDetectedBy | Determines whether a creature has detected a specific trap. |
GetTrapDisarmable | Determines if the specific trap is capable of being disarmed. |
GetTrapDisarmDC | Determines the DC for the trap to be disarmed. |
GetTrapFlagged | Determine if a specific trap has been set as visible to all creatures. |
GetTrapKeyTag | Determines the identifier of the key required to disarm the specific trap. |
GetTrapOneShot | Determines if the trap was designated as only going off once. |
GetTurnResistanceHD | Determines the number of HitDice of Turn Resistance the undead creature has. |
GetTypeFromTalent | Determines the primary category of the talent requested. |
GetUseableFlag | Determines if a placeable object is useable. |
GetUserDefinedEventNumber | Determines the specific user-defined number that has been sent to it. |
GetValidWeapon | Does not exist. |
GetWaypointByTag | Get the first waypoint with a specified tag. |
GetWeaponRanged | Checks whether a given item is a ranged weapon. |
GetWeather | Gets the current weather conditions for a given area |
GetWeight | Retrieves the weight of an individual item, or the weight of all objects carried by a single creature. |
GetWillSavingThrow | Determines the base reflex saving throw number of a creature, door or placeable. |
GetXP | Get a given creature's experience. |
GiveGoldToCreature | Creates the specified amount of gold on the creature. |
GiveXPToCreature | Gives an amount of experience to the specified creature. |
GreaterRestore | Invalid function; does nothing (use RemoveEffects(object) from nw_i0_plot instead). |
HasSpell | Checks if caller has spell |
HoursToSeconds | This function calculates the number of actual seconds in n game hour(s). |
IncrementRemainingFeatUses | Give a creature one extra use of a given feat |
InsertString | This function will insert a string into the destination string at the position indicated by nPosition. |
IntToFloat | This function converts an int to a float of the same value. |
IntToHexString | This function converts an int to a string representation of the same hexadecimal value. |
IntToString | This function converts an int to a string representation of the same value. |
IsInConversation | Determines whether an object is in conversation. |
ItemPropertyAbilityBonus | Sets an ability bonus itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyACBonus | Sets an armor class bonus itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyACBonusVsAlign | Sets an "armor class bonus against an alignment group" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyACBonusVsDmgType | Sets an "armor class bonus against damage type" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyACBonusVsRace | Sets an "armor class bonus against racial type" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyACBonusVsSAlign | Sets an "armor class bonus against specific alignment" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyArcaneSpellFailure | Sets an itemproperty which modifies an arcane spell failure factor. |
ItemPropertyAttackBonus | Sets an attack bonus itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyAttackBonusVsAlign | Sets an "attack bonus versus alignment group" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyAttackBonusVsRace | Sets an "attack bonus versus race" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyAttackBonusVsSAlign | Sets an "attack bonus versus specific alignment" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyAttackPenalty | Sets an attack penalty itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyBonusFeat | Sets a bonus feat itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyBonusLevelSpell | Sets a "bonus spell of a specified level" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyBonusSavingThrow | Sets a saving throw bonus itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyBonusSavingThrowVsX | Sets a "saving throw bonus" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyBonusSpellResistance | Sets a "spell resistance bonus" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyCastSpell | Sets a "cast spell" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyContainerReducedWeight | Sets a "reduced weight container" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyDamageBonus | Sets a damage bonus itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyDamageBonusVsAlign | Sets a "damage bonus versus alignment group" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyDamageBonusVsRace | Sets a "damage bonus versus racial type" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyDamageBonusVsSAlign | Sets a "damage bonus versus specific alignment" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyDamageImmunity | Sets a damage immunity itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyDamagePenalty | Sets a damage penalty itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyDamageReduction | Sets a damage reduction itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyDamageResistance | Sets a damage resistance itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyDamageVulnerability | Sets a damage vulnerability itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyDarkvision | Sets a darkvision itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyDecreaseAbility | Sets a decrease ability itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyDecreaseAC | Sets a "decrease armor class" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyDecreaseSkill | Sets a decrease skill item property. |
ItemPropertyEnhancementBonus | Sets an enhancement bonus item property. |
ItemPropertyEnhancementBonusVsAlign | Sets an "enhancement bonus versus alignment group" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyEnhancementBonusVsRace | Sets an "enhancement bonus versus racial type" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyEnhancementBonusVsSAlign | Sets an "enhancement bonus versus specific alignment" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyEnhancementPenalty | Sets an enhancement penalty ability bonus. |
ItemPropertyExtraMeleeDamageType | Sets an "extra melee damagetype" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyExtraRangeDamageType | Sets an "extra ranged damagetype" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyFreeAction | Sets a free action (freedom of movement) itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyHaste | Sets a haste itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyHealersKit | Sets a healers' kit itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyHolyAvenger | Sets a holy avenger itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyImmunityMisc | Sets an immunity itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyImmunityToSpellLevel | Sets an "immunity to spell level" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyImprovedEvasion | Sets an improved evasion itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyKeen | Sets a keen itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyLight | Sets a light itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyLimitUseByAlign | Sets an "only useable by alignment group" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyLimitUseByClass | Sets an "only useable by class" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyLimitUseByRace | Sets an "only useable by race" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyLimitUseBySAlign | Sets an "only useable by specific alignment" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyMassiveCritical | Sets a massive criticals itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyMaxRangeStrengthMod | Sets a mighty itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyMonsterDamage | Sets a monster damage itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyNoDamage | Sets a no damage itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyOnHitCastSpell | Sets an "on hit cast spell" item property. |
ItemPropertyOnHitProps | Sets an OnHit itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyOnMonsterHitProperties | Sets an "on monster hit" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyReducedSavingThrow | Sets a "reduced saving throw" item property. |
ItemPropertyReducedSavingThrowVsX | Sets a "reduced saving throw" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyRegeneration | Sets a regeneration itemproperty. |
ItemPropertySkillBonus | Sets a skill bonus itemproperty. |
ItemPropertySpecialWalk | Sets a special walk itemproperty. |
ItemPropertySpellImmunitySchool | Sets an "immunity against spell school" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertySpellImmunitySpecific | Sets an "immunity to specific spell" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyThievesTools | Sets a thieves' tools itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyTrap | Sets a trap itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyTrueSeeing | Sets a true seeing itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyTurnResistance | Sets a turn resistance itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyUnlimitedAmmo | Sets an unlimited ammo itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyVampiricRegeneration | Sets a vampiric regeneration itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyVisualEffect | Allows a melee weapon have a certain glow. |
ItemPropertyWeightIncrease | Sets an increased weight itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyWeightReduction | Sets a weight reduction itemproperty. |
JumpToLocation | This is a command to move instantly to the location referenced by lLocation. |
JumpToObject | Teleports the calling object to the nearest valid location by the target. |
JumpToWeakestEnemy | Makes the caller jump to the most damaged enemy. |
LevelUpHenchman | Levels up a creature using the default settings. |
LineOfSightObject | Is there a line of sight between two objects |
LineOfSightVector | Returns whether there's a direct line between two positions |
Location | Set the value of a Location data structure |
log | This function calculates the logarithmic value of fValue |
MagicalEffect | This function sets the effects sub type to magical. |
MakeWay | Builds the tag for the waypoint to walk to. |
MatchFortAttacks | This function is prototyped but not used. |
MatchReflexAttacks | This function is prototyped but not used. |
MusicBackgroundChangeDay | Changes the background daytime music for the area specified. |
MusicBackgroundChangeNight | Changes the background nighttime music for the area specified. |
MusicBackgroundGetBattleTrack | Gets the background battle track for an area. |
MusicBackgroundGetDayTrack | Gets the daytime background track for an area. |
MusicBackgroundGetNightTrack | Gets the nighttime background track for an area. |
MusicBackgroundPlay | Starts the currently selected background track playing. |
MusicBackgroundSetDelay | This function changes the delay (in milliseconds) of the background music. |
MusicBackgroundStop | Stops playing the currently selected background track. |
MusicBattleChange | Changes the battle music for the area specified. |
MusicBattlePlay | Starts the currently selected battle track playing |
MusicBattleStop | Stops the currently playing battle track. |
NextTag | Gets the tag of the next waypoint to walk to. |
NightToDay | Changes the current Day/Night cycle for this player to daylight |
ObjectToString | Converts an object into a hexadecimal string. |
OpenInventory | Opens a player's inventory panel. |
OpenStore | Opens a store for PCs to barter. |
PlayAnimation | Play an animation. |
PlaySound | Plays a sound on the client machine. |
PlaySoundByStrRef | Plays a sound associated with a string reference (StrRef). |
PlayVoiceChat | Plays a voice chat. |
PopUpDeathGUIPanel | Displays a customizable death panel. |
PopUpGUIPanel | Displays a GUI panel to a player. |
pow | Calculates a number raised to a power. |
PrintFloat | Records a floating point number to the log file. |
PrintInteger | Records an integer to the log file. |
PrintObject | Prints an object's ID number to the log file. |
PrintString | Records a message to the log file. |
PrintVector | Records a vector to the log file. |
Random | Returns a pseudo-random number with a range. |
RandomName | Generates a random name. |
RecomputeStaticLighting | Recomputes the lighting in an area based on current static lighting conditions. |
ReflexSave | Performs a ReflexSave check. |
RemoveEffect | Removes an effect from a creature or object. |
RemoveFromParty | Removes a PC from their party. |
RemoveHenchman | Removes the henchmen from the employ of a PC. |
RemoveItemProperty | Removes an itemproperty from an item. |
RemoveJournalQuestEntry | Removes a journal quest entry from a PCs journal. |
RemoveSummonedAssociate | Removes an associate NPC from the service of a PC. |
ResistSpell | Performs a spell resistance check between the caster and the target. |
RespondToShout | Sets NPC to respond to numerous alerts sent by PC or other NPCs. |
RestoreBaseAttackBonus | Restores the number of base attacks back to it's original state |
RestoreCameraFacing | Restores the camera mode and facing. |
RetrieveCampaignObject | Retrieves an object stored in the campaign database. |
RoundsToSeconds | Converts a number of rounds into seconds. |
RunDrownImpact | Allows a water elemental to fill its victim’s lungs with water, drowning the victim. |
RunMelfAcidImpact | Handles the dealing of damage each round by the Melf’s Acid Arrow spell. |
RunNextCircuit | Makes an NPC move to their initial waypoint. |
SearchForPlayer | Makes a guard search for and attack the nearest PC. |
SendMessageToAllDMs | Sends a message to all Dungeon Masters on server. |
SendMessageToPC | Sends a message to the PC. |
SendMessageToPCByStrRef | Send a message to a player |
SetActionMode | Sets the status of an action mode on a creature |
SetAILevel | Sets the AI (artificial intellegence) level of a creature. |
SetAreaTransitionBMP | Sets the graphic shown when a PC moves between two different areas in a module. |
SetAssociateListenPatterns | Prepares an associate (henchman, summoned, familiar) to be commanded. |
SetBaseAttackBonus | Sets the number of base attacks for the specified creature |
SetCalendar | Set calendar date for the module. |
SetCameraFacing | Changes the direction the player's camera is facing. |
SetCameraHeight | Sets the camera to a certain height |
SetCameraMode | Changes the perspective view of the player on the screen. |
SetCampaignFloat | Sets the value of a float in the campaign database. |
SetCampaignInt | Sets the value of an integer in the campaign database. |
SetCampaignLocation | Sets the value of a location in the campaign database. |
SetCampaignString | Sets the value of a string in the campaign database. |
SetCampaignVector | Sets the value of a vector in the campaign database. |
SetCommandable | Makes NPC available for new instructions. |
SetCreatureAppearanceType | Change a creature's appearance |
SetCustomToken | Sets the value for a custom token. |
SetCutsceneCameraMoveRate | Sets the current movement rate factor for the cutscene cameraman |
SetCutsceneMode | Sets the cut-scene mode. |
SetDeity | Set the deity of a creature or PC |
SetDroppableFlag | Marks an item as droppable or undroppable. |
SetEncounterActive | Sets an encounter to active or inactive. |
SetEncounterDifficulty | Sets the difficulty level of an encounter. |
SetEncounterSpawnsCurrent | Sets the number of times that an encounter has spawned. |
SetEncounterSpawnsMax | Sets the maximum number of times that an encounter can spawn. |
SetFacing | Sets the object to face a certain direction. |
SetFacingPoint | Sets the object to face the direction of a vector. |
SetIdentified | Sets whether an object has been identified. |
SetImmortal | Sets a creature as immortal. |
SetIsDestroyable | Sets whether an object is destroyable. |
SetIsTemporaryEnemy | Causes an creature to consider another creature an enemy indefintely or for a fixed time. |
SetIsTemporaryFriend | Causes an creature to consider another creature a friend indefintely or for a fixed time. |
SetIsTemporaryNeutral | Causes an creature to consider another creature neutral indefintely or for a fixed time. |
SetItemCharges | Sets the number of charges left on a given item. |
SetItemCursedFlag | Sets whether an item is cursed or not |
SetItemStackSize | Set the number of items in a given stack. |
SetListening | Sets whether an object should listen. |
SetListeningPatterns | Prepares the listening patterns to allow for the AI to function properly. |
SetListenPattern | Sets an object to listen to a particular pattern. |
SetLocalFloat | Store a float as a local variable within an object. |
SetLocalInt | Store a number as a local variable within an object. |
SetLocalLocation | Store a location as a local variable within an object. |
SetLocalObject | Store an object as a local variable within an object. |
SetLocalString | Store a string as a local variable within an object. |
SetLocked | Locks or unlocks a door or placeable. |
SetLootable | Sets whether a creature leaves a lootable corpse upon death |
SetMapPinEnabled | Enable a map pin. |
SetMaxHenchmen | Sets the maximum number of henchmen |
SetPanelButtonFlash | Make a panel button in the player's client start or stop flashing. |
SetPCDislike | Sets the fact that a player dislikes a creature (or object). |
SetPCLike | Causes a creature to "like" a PC. |
SetPlaceableIllumination | Sets the illumination for a placeable on or off. |
SetPlotFlag | Sets an object's plot status. |
SetStandardFactionReputation | Set a creature's faction standing within a given standard faction group. |
SetStolenFlag | Set whether the item is stolen |
SetStoreGold | Sets the amount of gold a store has |
SetStoreIdentifyCost | Set how much a store charges to identify items |
SetStoreMaxBuyPrice | Sets the maximum amount a store will pay for any item |
SetSubRace | Sets or changes a creature's or PC's subrace |
SetTileMainLightColor | Sets the main light colors for a tile. |
SetTileSourceLightColor | Sets the source light color for a tile. |
SetTime | Sets the game's current time. |
SetTrapDetectedBy | Makes a trap detected by a creature |
SetTrapDisabled | Disables the trap on the specified object. |
SetWeather | Allows you to set the weather for an area or the entire module. |
SetXP | Sets a creatures experience points to a particular value. |
SignalEvent | Causes an object to fire a specified event. |
sin | Returns the sine of fValue. |
SoundObjectPlay | Play a sound object. |
SoundObjectSetPosition | Sets the position of a sound object relative to the player(s). |
SoundObjectSetVolume | This function will set the volume of a placed sound object, great for creating mood effects. |
SoundObjectStop | Stops a sound object from playing. |
SpawnScriptDebugger | Fires the script debugger for debugging a running script. |
SpeakOneLinerConversation | Immediately speak a conversation one-liner. |
SpeakString | Forces an object to immediately speak. |
SpeakStringByStrRef | Causes an object to instantly speak a translated string. |
sqrt | |
StartAttackLoop | This function is prototyped but not used. |
StartNewModule | Moves the existing players to a new module. |
StopFade | Removes any current fading effects or black screen. |
StoreCameraFacing | Stores the camera facing and position so it can be restored later. |
StoreCampaignObject | Stores an item or creature in the campaign database. |
StringToFloat | Converts a string into a floating point number. |
StringToInt | Converts a string to an integer. |
SummonAnimalCompanion | |
SummonFamiliar | |
SupernaturalEffect | Modifies an effect to make it a Supernatural effect. |
SurrenderToEnemies | Causes all creatures in a 10 meter (1 tile) radius to stop actions, improves the creature's reputation with nearby enemies for 3 minutes. Only works for NPCs. |
TakeArtifactItem | Removes the plot related item from a player's inventory. |
TakeComplexItem | Removes the plot related item from a player's inventory. |
TakeFetchItem | Removes the plot related item from a player's inventory. |
TakeGoldFromCreature | Takes a specified amount of gold away from a creature. |
TalentFeat | Creates a talent that corresponds to an associated D&D feat. |
TalentSkill | Creates a skill talent |
TalentSpell | Creates a spell talent |
tan | Gets the tangent of a given angle. |
TestStringAgainstPattern | Returns whether or not the given text matches the pattern. |
TouchAttackMelee | Performs a touch melee attack out of turn. |
TouchAttackRanged | Executes and determines the results of a ranged touch attack. |
TurnsToSeconds | Convert turns into seconds. |
UniversalSpellMatch | This function is prototyped but not used. |
UnpossessFamiliar | Unpossesses a familiar from its controller. |
Vector | Creates a vector (position) from three points. |
VectorMagnitude | Determines the magnitute of a vector. |
VectorNormalize | Normalize a vector. |
VectorToAngle | Converts a vector variable to an angle. |
VersusAlignmentEffect | Set eEffect to be versus a specific alignment. |
VersusRacialTypeEffect | Set eEffect to be versus nRacialType. |
VersusTrapEffect | Modifies an effect so that it only works against traps. |
WillSave | Performs a Will Save check. |
WriteTimestampedLogEntry | Records a string in the log file along with a date-time stamp. |
YardsToMeters | Gets the number of meters in a number of yards. |
author: Charles Feduke
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