EffectLinkEffects(effect, effect)
Creates one new effect object from two seperate effect objects.
effect EffectLinkEffects( effect eChildEffect, effect eParentEffect );
One of the two effects to link together.
One of the two effects to link together.
Returns an Effect that combines the two supplied effects, returning eChildEffect as a child of eParentEffect. The returned effect can then be applied to a target and be affected by all linked effects.
You can also link effects to other effects even if they were created with EffectLinkEffects.
Note: When applying linked effects if the target is immune to all valid effects all other effects will be removed as well. This means that if you apply a visual effect and a silence effect (in a link) and the target is immune to the silence effect that the visual effect will get removed as well. Visual Effects are not considered "valid" effects for the purposes of determining if an effect will be removed or not and as such should never be packaged *only* with other visual effects in a link.
Constructors are special methods that return a new instance of an object. In NWN Script each effect that you can place on an object has it’s own constructor that creates a new instance of the specified effect. This effect object can then be used in an ApplyEffectToObject() Command. See Effect Constructor for more details.
See Also
functions: | EffectAttackDecrease | EffectAttackIncrease | EffectBeam | EffectBlindness | EffectCharmed |
categories: | Effects Functions |
author: John Shuell
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