EffectSummonCreature(string, int, float)
Creates a summon creature effect.
effect EffectSummonCreature( string sCreatureTag, int nVisualEffectId = VFX_NONE, float fDelaySeconds = 0.0f );
Identifies the creature to be summoned by tag name.
VFX_* (Default: VFX_NONE)
There can be delay between the visual effect being played, and the creature being added to the area. (Default: 0.0f)
Returns a Summon Creature effect which will create a creature of type sCreatureResRef using the visual effect of type nVisualEffectID.
fDelay is the delay between when the visual effect starts and the creature appears. This allows the scriptor to create a much more believable effect.
Can only be applied to creature objects (PC or NPC), not to locations or other objects.
//Example 1 - The following script is for an OnUsed event. It // will summon a werewolf and add it to the PC's party. The // werewolf effect will last for 30 minutes. void main(){ effect eSummon; location lLocation; object oPC = GetLastUsedBy(); eSummon = EffectSummonCreature("nw_werewolf",VFX_FNF_GAS_EXPLOSION_EVIL,0.5f); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eSummon, oPC, 1800.0f); }
See Also
functions: | ApplyEffectAtLocation | ApplyEffectToObject | SetSummonEffect | SummonAnimalCompanion | SummonFamiliar |
categories: | Effects Functions |
author: Brett Lathrope, editor: Charles Feduke, additional contributor(s): Enigmatic, Aiko Gieskens
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