
Get the type constant of the effect.

int GetEffectType(
    effect eEffect



The effect to compare or examine.


Returns the effect type (EFFECT_TYPE_*) of the effect being examined.
Return EFFECT_INVALIDEFFECT if effect is invalid.


You must first create and place the effect you wish to examine into a variable before calling this function. Visual effects do not have an effect type, but there is almost one effect type for each regular effect in the game. Useful when you need to check if a player is under the effects of a certain type before doing something else to them with your scripts. A good example would be checking for protection from evil effects before allowing an evil creature to close to them.



See Also

functions: EffectSpellLevelAbsorption | GetEffectCreator | GetEffectDurationType | GetEffectSpellId | GetEffectSubType | RemoveEffect
categories: Effects Functions
constants: EFFECT_TYPE_* Constants

 author: John Shuell
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