Name | Brief Description |
ActivateFleeToExit | Causes a creature to run to its exit waypoint and disappear. |
AssociateCheck | Checks whether an object is an henchman or not. |
BashDoorCheck | Used in DetermineCombatRound to keep a henchmen bashing doors |
CheckEnemyGroupingOnTarget | Gets the number of enemies in a sphere shape around a target. |
CheckFriendlyFireOnTarget | Gets how many friendly creatures are within a spherical range of a target object. |
CheckIsUnlocked | Plays voice chat messages that indicates the locked status of a door or placeable. |
CheckWayPoints | Checks to see if an NPC has a valid waypoint to walk to. |
chooseTactics | Determines class-specific tactics. |
CompareLastSpellCast | Determines if a spell is the same as the one previously cast by the creature. |
CreateSignPostNPC | Spawns a creature using the action queue. |
DetermineClassToUse | Looks at the character classes of a NPC and determines which one to use in combat. |
DetermineCombatRound | Determines NPC actions during any given round. |
DetermineEnemies | Returns number of enemies perceived and their combined levels. |
DetermineSpecialBehavior | Makes a creature use behave a special way overriding default behavior. |
DubugPrintTalentID | Doesn’t do anything |
EquipAppropriateWeapons | Cause a creature to ready an appropriate weapon. |
ExitAOESpellArea | Makes the calling creature flee from the AOE (area of effect) specified by oAOEObject |
FindSingleRangedTarget | Seeks out an enemy more than 3m away |
GenerateNewLocationFromLocation | Creates a new location from a given location |
GetAlliedHD | This function is prototyped but not used. |
GetAssociateStartLocation | Gets the start location of an NPC associate. |
GetBehaviorState | Test whether a creature is in a particular behavior state. |
GetCharacterLevel | Returns the total levels a creature has in all three classes. |
GetEnemyHD | This function is prototyped but not used. |
GetFleeToExit | Returns TRUE if the executing object can use ActivateFleeToExit. |
GetFollowDistance | Determines the distance in meters that the associate should follow its 'master' at. |
GetHasEffect | Determines whether a creature has an effect. |
GetIsFighting | Determines whether a creature is "fighting". |
GetIsPostOrWalking | Determine whether a creature has associated waypoints. |
GetLastGenericSpellCast | Retrieves the last spell that was cast by the calling creature. |
GetLockedObject | Finds the closest locked object up to a maximum of 10 objects away. |
GetMatchCompatibility | Check if creature is able use a talent from a selected class in the requested method. |
GetMostDangerousClass | Use the four archetypes to determine the most dangerous group type facing the NPC. |
GetNPCWarningStatus | Determines a NPC's state of mind toward another object. |
GetNumberOfMeleeAttackers | Determines the number of enemies within a 5 meter radius of the target object. |
GetNumberOfRangedAttackers | Determines the number of enemies outside a 5 meter radius of the target object. |
GetPercentageHPLoss | Determines how wounded a creature is as a percentage of their maximum HP. |
GetRacialTypeCount | Determines the number of creatures of a race within 20 meters. |
GetSpawnInCondition | Determines whether a creature has a certain condition set by BioWare's core AI system. |
MatchCombatProtections | Returns if the talent is a protective combat spell. |
MatchElementalProtections | Returns if the talent is a protective spell. |
MatchSpellProtections | Returns if the talent is a protective spell. |
MyPrintString | Used for debugging in-game (turned on and off via commenting). |
PlayImmobileAmbientAnimations | Makes a creature act out some animations where they stand to look more lifelike. |
PlayMobileAmbientAnimations | Makes a creature act out some animations to look more lifelike. |
PrintLocation | Prints a location to the logfile |
RemoveAmbientSleep | Removes a sleep effect on a successfull listen check. |
ResetHenchmenState | Henchman becomes available for other instructions by PC. |
SetAssociateStartLocation | Sets an NPC associate's start location to it's current location. |
SetAssociateState | Changes the behavior of an associate. |
SetBehaviorState | Sets an NPC's behavior. |
SetLastGenericSpellCast | Sets a local variable that stores the spell ID of the last spell cast. |
SetNPCWarningStatus | Stores the condition of an NPC warning status. |
SetSpawnInCondition | Sets custom flags that influence the default AI scripts provided by BioWare. |
SetSpawnInLocals | Sets local variables on creatures to support the SetSpawnInCondition function. |
SetSummonHelpIfAttacked | Creates an encounter that is meant to help an attacked NPC. |
SpeakLocation | Make the caller of the function speak a string representation of its current location. |
StartProtectionLoop | Finds a protection talent to use. |
TalentAdvancedBuff | Causes the NPC/Creature to buff themselves using a priority aligned list of spells if they have them. |
TalentAdvancedProtectSelf | AI quickly scans nearby enemies and determines the most beneficial protective talents to use on itself against the type of enemies it faces. |
TalentBardSong | If the AI has the Bard Song Feat use it. |
TalentBuffSelf | Used for Potions of Enhancement and Protection |
TalentCureCondition | Cure Disease, Poison, curse and Blindness and Deafness of nearest friendly target. |
TalentDragonCombat | Determines the talent a dragon chooses during combat. |
TalentEnhanceOthers | Used by NPC or creatures to determine the best feat, spell or skill to use to assist others in same faction. |
TalentFlee | Make the calling object flee from another object. |
TalentHeal | Determines if creatures master (as a henchman) or fellow party members are damaged, if so, attempts to heal if has that ability. |
TalentHealingSelf | Checks to see if NPC or creature is damaged, if so, tries to heal either with a spell or a potion. |
TalentMeleeAttack | Determines course of action while in melee combat for all NPCs. |
TalentMeleeAttacked | Determines best course of action for NPC spell-caster when in melee combat. |
TalentPersistentAbilities | Determines if current creature has capability to project an aura, and activates it if so. |
TalentRangedAttackers | Determines course of action for spell-casting NPC while being attacked by ranged foes. |
TalentRangedEnemies | Returns TRUE on successful use of such a talent, FALSE otherwise. |
TalentSeeInvisible | Determines if the NPC has the ability to see invisible creatures through feat or spell. |
TalentSneakAttack | Returns TRUE on successful use of such a talent, FALSE otherwise. |
TalentSpellAttack | Returns TRUE on successful use of such a talent, FALSE otherwise. |
TalentSummonAllies | Returns TRUE on successful use of such a talent, FALSE otherwise. |
TalentUseEnhancementOnSelf | Returns TRUE on successful use of such a talent, FALSE otherwise. |
TalentUseProtectionOnSelf | Returns TRUE on successful use of such a talent, FALSE otherwise. |
TalentUseProtectionOthers | Returns TRUE on successful use of such a talent, FALSE otherwise. |
TalentUseTurning | Returns TRUE on successful use of such a talent, FALSE otherwise. |
VerifyCombatMeleeTalent | Determines whether a combat talent could be used on an object. |
VerifyDisarm | Determines whether a creature could possibly be disarmed. |
WalkWayPoints | Make an NPC creature walk a series of preset waypoints. |
author: Charles Feduke
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