

NameBrief Description
ActivateFleeToExitCauses a creature to run to its exit waypoint and disappear.
AssociateCheckChecks whether an object is an henchman or not.
BashDoorCheckUsed in DetermineCombatRound to keep a henchmen bashing doors
CheckEnemyGroupingOnTargetGets the number of enemies in a sphere shape around a target.
CheckFriendlyFireOnTargetGets how many friendly creatures are within a spherical range of a target object.
CheckIsUnlockedPlays voice chat messages that indicates the locked status of a door or placeable.
CheckWayPointsChecks to see if an NPC has a valid waypoint to walk to.
chooseTacticsDetermines class-specific tactics.
CompareLastSpellCastDetermines if a spell is the same as the one previously cast by the creature.
CreateSignPostNPCSpawns a creature using the action queue.
DetermineClassToUseLooks at the character classes of a NPC and determines which one to use in combat.
DetermineCombatRoundDetermines NPC actions during any given round.
DetermineEnemiesReturns number of enemies perceived and their combined levels.
DetermineSpecialBehaviorMakes a creature use behave a special way overriding default behavior.
DubugPrintTalentIDDoesn’t do anything
EquipAppropriateWeaponsCause a creature to ready an appropriate weapon.
ExitAOESpellAreaMakes the calling creature flee from the AOE (area of effect) specified by oAOEObject
FindSingleRangedTargetSeeks out an enemy more than 3m away
GenerateNewLocationFromLocationCreates a new location from a given location
GetAlliedHDThis function is prototyped but not used.
GetAssociateStartLocationGets the start location of an NPC associate.
GetBehaviorStateTest whether a creature is in a particular behavior state.
GetCharacterLevelReturns the total levels a creature has in all three classes.
GetEnemyHDThis function is prototyped but not used.
GetFleeToExitReturns TRUE if the executing object can use ActivateFleeToExit.
GetFollowDistanceDetermines the distance in meters that the associate should follow its 'master' at.
GetHasEffectDetermines whether a creature has an effect.
GetIsFightingDetermines whether a creature is "fighting".
GetIsPostOrWalkingDetermine whether a creature has associated waypoints.
GetLastGenericSpellCastRetrieves the last spell that was cast by the calling creature.
GetLockedObjectFinds the closest locked object up to a maximum of 10 objects away.
GetMatchCompatibilityCheck if creature is able use a talent from a selected class in the requested method.
GetMostDangerousClassUse the four archetypes to determine the most dangerous group type facing the NPC.
GetNPCWarningStatusDetermines a NPC's state of mind toward another object.
GetNumberOfMeleeAttackersDetermines the number of enemies within a 5 meter radius of the target object.
GetNumberOfRangedAttackersDetermines the number of enemies outside a 5 meter radius of the target object.
GetPercentageHPLossDetermines how wounded a creature is as a percentage of their maximum HP.
GetRacialTypeCountDetermines the number of creatures of a race within 20 meters.
GetSpawnInConditionDetermines whether a creature has a certain condition set by BioWare's core AI system.
MatchCombatProtectionsReturns if the talent is a protective combat spell.
MatchElementalProtectionsReturns if the talent is a protective spell.
MatchSpellProtectionsReturns if the talent is a protective spell.
MyPrintStringUsed for debugging in-game (turned on and off via commenting).
PlayImmobileAmbientAnimationsMakes a creature act out some animations where they stand to look more lifelike.
PlayMobileAmbientAnimationsMakes a creature act out some animations to look more lifelike.
PrintLocationPrints a location to the logfile
RemoveAmbientSleepRemoves a sleep effect on a successfull listen check.
ResetHenchmenStateHenchman becomes available for other instructions by PC.
SetAssociateStartLocationSets an NPC associate's start location to it's current location.
SetAssociateStateChanges the behavior of an associate.
SetBehaviorStateSets an NPC's behavior.
SetLastGenericSpellCastSets a local variable that stores the spell ID of the last spell cast.
SetNPCWarningStatusStores the condition of an NPC warning status.
SetSpawnInConditionSets custom flags that influence the default AI scripts provided by BioWare.
SetSpawnInLocalsSets local variables on creatures to support the SetSpawnInCondition function.
SetSummonHelpIfAttackedCreates an encounter that is meant to help an attacked NPC.
SpeakLocationMake the caller of the function speak a string representation of its current location.
StartProtectionLoopFinds a protection talent to use.
TalentAdvancedBuffCauses the NPC/Creature to buff themselves using a priority aligned list of spells if they have them.
TalentAdvancedProtectSelfAI quickly scans nearby enemies and determines the most beneficial protective talents to use on itself against the type of enemies it faces.
TalentBardSongIf the AI has the Bard Song Feat use it.
TalentBuffSelfUsed for Potions of Enhancement and Protection
TalentCureConditionCure Disease, Poison, curse and Blindness and Deafness of nearest friendly target.
TalentDragonCombatDetermines the talent a dragon chooses during combat.
TalentEnhanceOthersUsed by NPC or creatures to determine the best feat, spell or skill to use to assist others in same faction.
TalentFleeMake the calling object flee from another object.
TalentHealDetermines if creatures master (as a henchman) or fellow party members are damaged, if so, attempts to heal if has that ability.
TalentHealingSelfChecks to see if NPC or creature is damaged, if so, tries to heal either with a spell or a potion.
TalentMeleeAttackDetermines course of action while in melee combat for all NPCs.
TalentMeleeAttackedDetermines best course of action for NPC spell-caster when in melee combat.
TalentPersistentAbilitiesDetermines if current creature has capability to project an aura, and activates it if so.
TalentRangedAttackersDetermines course of action for spell-casting NPC while being attacked by ranged foes.
TalentRangedEnemiesReturns TRUE on successful use of such a talent, FALSE otherwise.
TalentSeeInvisibleDetermines if the NPC has the ability to see invisible creatures through feat or spell.
TalentSneakAttackReturns TRUE on successful use of such a talent, FALSE otherwise.
TalentSpellAttackReturns TRUE on successful use of such a talent, FALSE otherwise.
TalentSummonAlliesReturns TRUE on successful use of such a talent, FALSE otherwise.
TalentUseEnhancementOnSelfReturns TRUE on successful use of such a talent, FALSE otherwise.
TalentUseProtectionOnSelfReturns TRUE on successful use of such a talent, FALSE otherwise.
TalentUseProtectionOthersReturns TRUE on successful use of such a talent, FALSE otherwise.
TalentUseTurningReturns TRUE on successful use of such a talent, FALSE otherwise.
VerifyCombatMeleeTalentDetermines whether a combat talent could be used on an object.
VerifyDisarmDetermines whether a creature could possibly be disarmed.
WalkWayPointsMake an NPC creature walk a series of preset waypoints.

 author: Charles Feduke
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