

NameBrief Description
CreateAmmoSpawns in a ammunition suited for that class as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateAnimalPartCreates an animal part on the corpse of the animal
CreateArcaneScrollCreates a scroll as part of the treasure
CreateBookCreates a random book as part of the treasure distribution system
CreateDivineScrollCreates a gem as part of the treasure
CreateGemCreates a Gem as part of the NWN treasure distribution system
CreateGenericClassItemCreates a treasure item for wizards, sorcerers, clerics, monks, rogues and bards
CreateGenericDruidWeaponCreates an appropriate druid weapon that fits the level of the PC, and places it in/on an object.
CreateGenericExoticCreates an appropriate exotic weapon that fits the level of the PC, and places it in/on an object.
CreateGenericHeavyArmorSpawns in a Piece of Generic Heavy Armor as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateGenericLightArmorSpawns in a piece of generic light armor as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateGenericMartialSpawns in a generic weapon as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateGenericMediumArmorSpawns in a piece of generic armor as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateGenericMiscItemSpawns in a generic item as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateGenericMonkWeaponCreates an appropriate monk weapon that fits the level of the PC, and places it in/on an object.
CreateGenericRodStaffWandSpawns in a generic Rod, Staff or Wand as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateGenericSimpleSpawns in a Generic Simple Weapon as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateGenericWizardWeaponCreates an appropriate wizard weapon that fits the level of the PC, and places it in/on an object.
CreateGoldSpawns in Gold as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateHealingKitSpawns in a Healing Kit as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateJewelCreates a Jewel in the container as part of the NWN trasure distribution system
CreateJunkCreates random items for the container treasure.
CreateKitSpawns in a Kit as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateLockPickSpawns in a Lock Pick as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreatePotionCreates a random potion in a container as part of the treasure system.
CreateSpecificDruidWeaponSpawns in a Specific Druid Weapon as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateSpecificExoticSpawns in a Specific Exotic Item as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateSpecificHeavyArmorSpawns in a Specific Heavy Armor as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateSpecificLightArmorSpawns in a Specific Light Armor as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateSpecificMartialSpawns in a Specific Martial Item as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateSpecificMediumArmorSpawns in a Specific Medium Armor as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateSpecificMiscItemSpawns in a Specific Item as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateSpecificMonkWeaponSpawns in a Specific Monk Weapon as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateSpecificRodStaffWandSpawns in a Rod, Staff, or Wand as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateSpecificSimpleSpawns in a Simple Weapon as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateSpecificWizardWeaponSpawns in a Specific Wizard Weapon as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateTable2ItemRandomly creates an item on an object.
CreateTrapKitSpawns in a Trap Kit as part of the random treasure distribution.
dbCreateItemOnObjectThis function creates the item for the NWN Treasure Distribution System.
GenerateBookTreasureThis Function is part of the random treasure distribution.
GenerateBossTreasureGenerates boss-level treasure.
GenerateHighTreasureThis function creates High Level Treasure
GenerateLowTreasureThis script creates Low value treasure in the container
GenerateMediumTreasureSpawns in treasure as part of the random treasure distribution.
GenerateNPCTreasure Use the random treasure functions to generate appropriate treasure for the creature to drop.
GenerateTreasureThis is the Main function in the NWN Treasure Distribution System
GetLastOpenerGets the creature that last opened or destroyed the container calling this script.
GetNumberOfItemsDetermines the number of items to create as treasure.
GetRangeDetermines whether the HD falls in a range category.
nDetermineClassToUseDetermines which of a PCs three classes to use in the random treasure system.
ShoutDisturbedTurns NPCs of the container's faction hostile towards the PC that destroyed or opened the container.
TrimLevelReturns the valid upper limit for any arcane spell scroll.

 author: Charles Feduke
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