Name | Brief Description |
CopyLocals | Copies locals from earlier level henchmen to newer henchman |
DestroyAllPersonalItems | Destroys all henchman items. |
DestroyChapterQuestItem | Destroys the chapter specific quest item given to oPC by the henchman. |
DestroyChapterRewardItem | Destroys the chapter specific reward item given to oPC by the henchman. |
DoLevelUp | Levels up an NPC to appropriate PC henchman level. |
EndModule | Used for determining if the current module is an end module. |
GetBeenHired | Checks if a henchman has been hired. |
GetCanLevelUp | Determines if an NPC henchman should level up. |
GetChapter | Gets the chapter number the player is currently in. |
GetDidDie | TRUE if the player has died. |
GetGreetingVar | This variable keeps track of whether or not the player has talked to this henchman. |
GetMyArea | Retrieves the tag for the area of an object. |
GetWorkingForPlayer | Returns if the henchman is working for the player. |
GiveChapterRewardItem | Gives a reward item to the player. |
GivePersonalItem | Makes the henchman give his or her personal item to the player. |
HasChapterQuestItem | Checks if player has the chapter quest item. |
HasChapterRewardItem | Checks if player has the chapter reward item. |
HasPersonalItem | Checks if the player has the henchman’s personal item. |
PC | debug function for displaying strings. Returns the first pc in the area |
SetBeenHired | Sets whether a henchman has been hired before |
SetDidDie | Stores if the henchman has just died |
SetGreetingVar | This variable keeps track of whether or not the player has talked to this henchman. |
SetStoryVar | Used to track the current storyline for the henchman a PC has working for him. Original Campaign. |
SetWorkingForPlayer | Specifies the PC name the henchman is working for. |
SpawnHenchman | Creates the henchmen for each chapter of the original campaign of appropriate level for PC. |
StripAllPersonalItemsFromEveryone | Removes henchmen 'hired' items for use in the original campaign. |
author: Charles Feduke
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