

NameBrief Description
CopyLocalsCopies locals from earlier level henchmen to newer henchman
DestroyAllPersonalItemsDestroys all henchman items.
DestroyChapterQuestItemDestroys the chapter specific quest item given to oPC by the henchman.
DestroyChapterRewardItemDestroys the chapter specific reward item given to oPC by the henchman.
DoLevelUpLevels up an NPC to appropriate PC henchman level.
EndModuleUsed for determining if the current module is an end module.
GetBeenHiredChecks if a henchman has been hired.
GetCanLevelUpDetermines if an NPC henchman should level up.
GetChapterGets the chapter number the player is currently in.
GetDidDieTRUE if the player has died.
GetGreetingVarThis variable keeps track of whether or not the player has talked to this henchman.
GetMyAreaRetrieves the tag for the area of an object.
GetWorkingForPlayerReturns if the henchman is working for the player.
GiveChapterRewardItemGives a reward item to the player.
GivePersonalItemMakes the henchman give his or her personal item to the player.
HasChapterQuestItemChecks if player has the chapter quest item.
HasChapterRewardItemChecks if player has the chapter reward item.
HasPersonalItemChecks if the player has the henchman’s personal item.
PCdebug function for displaying strings. Returns the first pc in the area
SetBeenHiredSets whether a henchman has been hired before
SetDidDieStores if the henchman has just died
SetGreetingVarThis variable keeps track of whether or not the player has talked to this henchman.
SetStoryVarUsed to track the current storyline for the henchman a PC has working for him. Original Campaign.
SetWorkingForPlayerSpecifies the PC name the henchman is working for.
SpawnHenchmanCreates the henchmen for each chapter of the original campaign of appropriate level for PC.
StripAllPersonalItemsFromEveryoneRemoves henchmen 'hired' items for use in the original campaign.

 author: Charles Feduke
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