

NameBrief Description
CreateBastardSwordCreates a Bastard sword for the containers treasure
CreateBattleAxeSpawns in a magical weapon suited for that class as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateClubSpawns in a magical weapon suited for that class as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateDaggerUsed to create a magical dagger in a container as part of the treasure distribution model
CreateDartSpawns in a magical weapon suited for that class as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateDireMaceSpawns in a Dire Mace as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateDoubleAxeSpawns in a magical Double Axe as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateGreatAxeSpawns in a Great Axe as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateGreatSwordSpawns in a Great Sword as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateHalberdSpawns in a Halberd as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateHandAxeSpawns in a Hand Axe as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateHeavyCrossbowSpawns in a Heavy Crossbow as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateHeavyFlailSpawns in a Heavy Flail as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateKamaSpawns in a Kama as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateKatanaSpawns in a Katana as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateKukriSpawns in a Kukri as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateLightCrossbowSpawns in a Light Crossbow as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateLightFlailSpawns in a Light Flail as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateLightHammerSpawns in a Light Hammer as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateLightMaceSpawns in a Light Mace as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateLongbowSpawns in a Longbow as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateLongSwordSpawns in a Long Sword as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateMorningstarSpawns in a Morningstar as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateRapierSpawns in a Rapier as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateScimitarSpawns in a Scimitar as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateScytheSpawns in a Scythe as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateShortbowSpawns in a Shortbow as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateShortswordSpawns in a Shortsword as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateShurikenSpawns in a Shuriken as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateSickleSpawns in a Sickle as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateSlingSpawns in a Sling as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateSpearSpawns in a Spear as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateStaffSpawns in a Staff as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateThrowingAxeSpawns in a Throwing Axe as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateTwoBladedSwordSpawns in a Two Bladed Sword as part of the random treasure distribution.
CreateWarhammerSpawns in a Warhammer as part of the random treasure distribution.
PrefersDetermines whether the adventurer prefers using a weapon type.

 author: Charles Feduke
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