

NameBrief Description
AssignPCDebugStringCauses the nearest PC speak a string.
CreateColmarrPotionCreates potions for Colmarr's Machine.
CreateObjectVoidSimiliar to CreateObject() but does not return the object created.
FaceNearestPCCauses an NPC to face the nearest visible PC.
GetCanSeePCDetermines if a creature can see a PC.
GetHas2Q4PlotItemTest if the object has the specified plot item
GetLocalPlotIntFromCharacterRetrieves the generic plot flag off of a creature.
GetMachineStateGet the state of one lever
Give2Q4PlotItemGives a Luskan plot item to the PC speaker.
MoveTo2Q4PlotPointMakes the caller walk to a waypoint.
PlayConversationAnimationMakes caller face a PC and play an animation.
SetLocalPlotIntOnCharacterSets a plot-specific integer on a creature.
SetMachineStateWhen PC uses specific machine in City of Luskan in Original Campaign, sets the machine for operation or not.

 author: Charles Feduke
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