Constant | Description |
SKILL_ANIMAL_EMPATHY | Improves the attitude of an animal. Can be used on normal animals with no penalty, and with penalty on beasts and magical beasts. |
SKILL_CONCENTRATION | Permits the casting of a spell despite distractions, such as taking damage, getting hit by an unfriendly spell, and so on. |
SKILL_DISABLE_TRAP | Disarm a located trap (see Disarm Device skill in 3rd Edition Player's Handbook). |
SKILL_HEAL | Used for applying Healer's Kit items for healing. |
SKILL_HIDE | Opposed by an opponent's Spot skill for remaining visibly undetected. |
SKILL_LISTEN | Opposed by an opponent's Move Silently skill to locate stealthy foes. |
SKILL_LORE | Ability to identify magical items and their properties without the aid of an Identify spell. |
SKILL_MOVE_SILENTLY | Opposed by an opponent's Listen skill for remaining audibly undetected. |
SKILL_OPEN_LOCK | Used for opening locks on doors and chests. |
SKILL_PARRY | Used to increase armor class against attacks. |
SKILL_PERSUADE | Used for convincing an NPC to be more reasonable by sharing information, giving the PC a discount on a price of an item, etc. |
SKILL_SEARCH | Used for discovering hidden treasures, or secret doors in an area. SUBSKILL_FLAGTRAP is used by a Rogue when searching for traps. |
SKILL_SPELLCRAFT | Used for identifying spells and spell-like effects. |
SKILL_SPOT | Opposed by an opponent's Hide skill to locate stealthy foes. |
SKILL_TAUNT | Used to distract an opponent from attacking another member of your party. |
SKILL_USE_MAGIC_DEVICE | Allows a PC to "fake" a requirement for a magical item (i.e. cast a spell from an arcane spell if the PC is a Rogue only). |