Name | Brief Description |
IPCreateProficiencyFeatItemOnCreature | Gives a creature all available proficiency feats. |
IPDyeArmor | Changes the color of an armor. |
IPGetDamageBonusConstantFromNumber | Converts a number into a damage bonus itemproperty constant. |
IPGetDamagePowerConstantFromNumber | Converts a number to a damage power constant |
IPGetHasItemPropertyByConst | Returns whether an item has an itemproperty. |
IPGetHasItemPropertyOnCharacter | Returns whether a character has an item with a certain itemproperty type equipped. |
IPGetHasUseLimitation | Returns whether an item has any usage limitations. |
IPGetIPConstCastSpellFromSpellID | Returns a spell's corresponding itemproperty constant. |
IPGetIPWorkContainer | Returns the container used for item property and appearance modifications in the module |
IPGetIsBludgeoningWeapon | Checks if an item is a bludgeoning weapon. |
IPGetIsIntelligentWeapon | Returns whether an item has the intelligen itemproperty. |
IPGetIsItemEquipable | Checks if an item can be equipped. |
IPGetIsMeleeWeapon | Checks if an item is a melee weapon. |
IPGetIsProjectile | Checks if an item is a projectile. |
IPGetIsRangedWeapon | Checks if an item is a ranged weapon. |
IPGetItemHasItemOnHitPropertySubType | Checks if an item has a specified onhit subtype itemproperty. |
IPGetItemHasProperty | Checks if an item has a matchine itemproperty. |
IPGetItemPropertyByID | Returns an itemproperty. |
IPGetItemSequencerProperty | Checks the sequencer property of an item. |
IPGetModifiedArmor | Copies and modifies an armor and returns it as an object. |
IPGetNextArmorAppearanceType | Returns the next valid appearance type for an armor. |
IPGetNumberOfAppearances | Returns the number of armor part variations for the specified part. |
IPGetNumberOfItemProperties | Returns the number of item properties present on an item. |
IPGetPrevArmorAppearanceType | Returns the armor's previous valid appearance type for the specified part. |
IPGetRandomArmorAppearanceType | Returns a random valid armor apperance type of the appropriate part. |
IPGetWeaponEnhancementBonus | Returns a weapon's enhancement bonus. |
IPRemoveAllItemProperties | Removes all itemproperties from an item. |
IPRemoveMatchingItemProperties | Removes itemproperties of a given type, duration, and subtype from an item. |
IPSafeAddItemProperty | Safely add an itemproperty to an item. |
IPSetWeaponEnhancementBonus | Sets an enhancement bonus on a weapon. |
IPUpgradeWeaponEnhancementBonus | Upgrades a weapon's enhancement bonus. |
IPWildShapeCopyItemProperties | Copies itemproperties from one item to another. |
author: Charles Feduke
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