if/else Statement
if statements are used to control the flow of code execution. This is best illustrated with an example:
int bAlpha = FALSE; int bBravo = FALSE; if (bAlpha) { // statement 1 ... } else if (bBravo) { // statement 2 ... } else { // statement 3 ... // in this example, this is the code that is executed becase // both bAlpha and bBravo are FALSE }
If bAlpha evaluates to TRUE then statement 1 will execute. If it evaluates to FALSE then it will skip to the next if else and evaluate bBravo. If neither bAlpha or bBravo evaluates to TRUE then statement 3 will execute as the default (catch-all).
if statements can also be used alone without if else or else statements:
int bCondition = TRUE; if (bCondition) PrintString("TRUE!");
If bCondition evaluates to FALSE it will skip PrintString("TRUE!") and move on to the next line of code.
author: Ryan Hunt, editor: Charles Feduke
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