Constant | Description |
VFX_DUR_ANTI_LIGHT_10 | Temporary lighting effect; darken area and change of light color. Location: Area |  |
VFX_DUR_AURA_COLD | Orbiting effect 5m from the body. Location: About Body Color(s): blue |
VFX_DUR_AURA_DISEASE | Orbiting effect 5m from the body. Location: About Body Color(s): green, brown |
VFX_DUR_AURA_DRAGON_FEAR | Orbiting effect 5m from the body. Location: About Body |
VFX_DUR_AURA_FIRE | Orbiting effect 5m from the body. Location: About Body Color(s): fire, yellow |  |
VFX_DUR_AURA_ODD | Orbiting effect 5m from the body. Location: About Body |
VFX_DUR_AURA_POISON | Orbiting effect 5m from the body. Location: About Body Color(s): green |
VFX_DUR_AURA_SILENCE | Orbiting effect 5m from the body. Location: About Body |
VFX_DUR_BARD_SONG | Floating notes over PC head. Location: Above Head Color(s): white |  |
VFX_DUR_BLACKOUT | Creates a completely dark area fullscreen. |  |
VFX_DUR_BLUR | Creates a pulsating aura, colored blue and white. |  |
VFX_DUR_CESSATE_NEGATIVE | Causes a small animation to occur to signal that an effect has worn off. The CESSATE effects POSITIVE and NEGATIVE are "effect active" and "effect inactive" effects. Example: Apply both effects at the same time with a duration of 10 seconds. Then first the CESSATE_POSITIVE effect will appear. At the end of the 10 seconds the CESSATE_NEGATIVE effect will appear. So using the CESSATE_NEGATIVE saves the hassle of an additional DelayCommand. Location: About Body |  |
VFX_DUR_CESSATE_NEUTRAL | Causes a small animation to occur to signal that a neutral effect has worn off (colored balls that disappear fast). Location: About Body |  |
VFX_DUR_CESSATE_POSITIVE | Causes a small animation to occur to signal that an effect has worn off (bright balls that disappear fast). The CESSATE effects POSITIVE and NEGATIVE are "effect active" and "effect inactive" effects. Example: Apply both effects at the same time with a duration of 10 seconds. Then first the CESSATE_POSITIVE effect will appear. At the end of the 10 seconds the CESSATE_NEGATIVE effect will appear. So using the CESSATE_NEGATIVE saves the hassle of an additional DelayCommand. Location: About Body |  |
VFX_DUR_DARKNESS | Creates a dark area around target. No image. Location: Area Color(s): dark |
VFX_DUR_ELEMENTAL_SHIELD | Fiery circular pattern on the floor. Location: Floor Color(s): blue, fire |  |
VFX_DUR_ENTANGLE | A single bush entangles the feet. Location: Floor Color(s): green |  |
VFX_DUR_ETHEREAL_VISAGE | Translucent ghost image with short visual effect above head. Location: Above Head |  |
VFX_DUR_FREEDOM_OF_MOVEMENT | Green translucent floor design. Location: Floor Color(s): green |  |
VFX_DUR_GHOSTLY_PULSE | Pulsating from solid appearance to translucent. Location: About Body |  |
VFX_DUR_GHOSTLY_VISAGE | Translucent ghost image. |  |
VFX_DUR_GLOBE_INVULNERABILITY | White globe around target. |  |
VFX_DUR_GLOBE_MINOR | Weaker-looking globe no image. |
VFX_DUR_INVISIBILITY | Makes the creature invisible (difficult to see). Location: About Body |  |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_BLUE_10 | Creates an area of colored blue light in a 10 foot radius. Location: Floor |  |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_BLUE_15 | Creates an area of colored blue light in a 15 foot radius. Location: Floor |  |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_BLUE_20 | Creates an area of colored blue light in a 20 foot radius. Location: Floor |  |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_BLUE_5 | Creates an area of colored blue light in a 5 foot radius. Location: Floor |  |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_GREY_10 | Creates an area of colored gray light in a 10 foot radius. Location: Floor |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_GREY_15 | Creates an area of colored gray light in a 15 foot radius. Location: Floor |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_GREY_20 | Creates an area of colored gray light in a 20 foot radius. Location: Floor |  |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_GREY_5 | Creates an area of colored gray light in a 5 foot radius. Location: Floor |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_ORANGE_10 | Creates an area of colored orange light in a 10 foot radius. Location: Floor |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_ORANGE_15 | Creates an area of colored orange light in a 15 foot radius. Location: Floor |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_ORANGE_20 | Creates an area of colored orange light in a 20 foot radius. Location: Floor |  |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_ORANGE_5 | Creates an area of colored orange light in a 5 foot radius. Location: Floor |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_PURPLE_10 | Creates an area of colored purple light in a 10 foot radius. Location: Floor |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_PURPLE_15 | Creates an area of colored purple light in a 15 foot radius. Location: Floor |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_PURPLE_20 | Creates an area of colored purple light in a 20 foot radius. Location: Floor |  |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_PURPLE_5 | Creates an area of colored purple light in a 5 foot radius. Location: Floor |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_RED_10 | Creates an area of colored red light in a 10 foot radius. Location: Floor |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_RED_15 | Creates an area of colored red light in a 15 foot radius. Location: Floor |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_RED_20 | Creates an area of colored red light in a 20 foot radius. Location: Floor |  |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_RED_5 | Creates an area of colored red light in a 5 foot radius. Location: Floor |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_WHITE_10 | Creates an area of colored white light in a 10 foot radius. Location: Floor |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_WHITE_15 | Creates an area of colored white light in a 15 foot radius. Location: Floor |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_WHITE_20 | Creates an area of colored white light in a 20 foot radius. Location: Floor |  |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_WHITE_5 | Creates an area of colored white light in a 5 foot radius. Location: Floor |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_YELLOW_10 | Creates an area of colored yellow light in a 10 foot radius. Location: Floor |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_YELLOW_15 | Creates an area of colored yellow light in a 15 foot radius. Location: Floor |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_YELLOW_20 | Creates an area of colored yellow light in a 20 foot radius. Location: Floor |  |
VFX_DUR_LIGHT_YELLOW_5 | Creates an area of colored yellow light in a 5 foot radius. Location: Floor |
VFX_DUR_LOWLIGHTVISION | Didn't work, no image. Location: Floor |
VFX_DUR_MAGIC_RESISTANCE | Translucent blue orbital pattern about body. Location: About Body Color(s): blue |  |
VFX_DUR_MAGICAL_SIGHT | Little eyes orbiting the head. Location: About Head Color(s): multi |  |
VFX_DUR_MIND_AFFECTING_DISABLED | Shimmering light about the head. Location: About Head Color(s): white |  |
VFX_DUR_MIND_AFFECTING_DOMINATED | Shimmering light about the head. Location: About Head Color(s): white, blue |  |
VFX_DUR_MIND_AFFECTING_FEAR | The fear effect. Location: About Head Color(s): black, yellow |  |
VFX_DUR_MIND_AFFECTING_NEGATIVE | Shimmering light about the head. Location: About Head Color(s): blue, white |  |
VFX_DUR_MIND_AFFECTING_POSITIVE | Short spears of light slanting up and away from head and rotating in an orbit. Location: About Head Color(s): white |  |
VFX_DUR_MIRV_ACID | An acid arrow. Location: To Body Color(s): green |  |
VFX_DUR_PARALYZE_HOLD | White pattern orbiting the body. Location: About Body Color(s): white |  |
VFX_DUR_PARALYZED | Like blur, but colors white and red. Location: About Body |  |
VFX_DUR_PROT_BARKSKIN | Re-textures a creature with a "wood" appearance. Location: About Body |  |
VFX_DUR_PROT_GREATER_STONESKIN | Re-textures a creature with a "stone" appearance. Location: About Body |
VFX_DUR_PROT_PREMONITION | Blue mist forming about body Location: About Body Color(s): blue |  |
VFX_DUR_PROT_SHADOW_ARMOR | Create a "shadow armor" effect (re-texturing the
object with a moving black/white pattern). |
VFX_DUR_PROT_STONESKIN | Re-textures a creature with a "stone" appearance. |
VFX_DUR_PROTECTION_ELEMENTS | Yellow/White engulf effect. Location: About Body Color(s): white, yellow |  |
VFX_DUR_PROTECTION_EVIL_MAJOR | Red engulf effect. Location: About Body Color(s): red |  |
VFX_DUR_PROTECTION_EVIL_MINOR | Red floating lights above head. Location: Above Head Color(s): red |  |
VFX_DUR_PROTECTION_GOOD_MAJOR | Yellow engulf effect. Location: About Body Color(s): yellow |  |
VFX_DUR_PROTECTION_GOOD_MINOR | Yellow floating lights above head. Location: Above Head Color(s): yellow |  |
VFX_DUR_SANCTUARY | White dancing lights around body. Location: About Body Color(s): white, purple |  |
VFX_DUR_SPELLTURNING | Bright blue effect. Location: Floor Color(s): blue |  |
VFX_DUR_WEB | Web on target. Location: Feet Color(s): white |  |
VFX_DUR_WEB_MASS | Web covering area. Location: Area Color(s): white |  |