Writing a Module

This tutorial follows the design of a module. The module can be downloaded and played in NWN, then the tutorial read to see how everything is done. This tutorial is intended for beginning module designers with little or no scripting experience.

TitleBrief Description
Robert Straughan - Capture Glory: IntroductionIntrodution to the Capture Glory module and tutorial.
Robert Straughan - Capture Glory: Death RulesCovers the penalties associated with dying for the Capture Glory module.
Robert Straughan - Capture Glory: Crowbar in a WellDemonstrates working with items an PCs in a module.
Robert Straughan - Capture Glory: Strip TeaseShows how to strip all the PC's equipment and start the PC at least at level 3.
Robert Straughan - Capture Glory: Garbage TreasureCreates new items tailored to the character's class so the PC isn't helpless.
Robert Straughan - Capture Glory: Dwarf NPCShows how to add a henchman to the PC's party.
Robert Straughan - Capture Glory: Minotaur DeathA fight between the PC, his henchman, and a minotaur.
Robert Straughan - Capture Glory: Raging BattleThe PC leaves the caves with an NPC to see a battle taking place.
Robert Straughan - Capture Glory: Light ShowThe dramatic conclusion to the Capture Glory module.
Robert Straughan - Capture Glory: Miscellaneous/ReferenceMiscellaneous and outside reference information.

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